I whined a little last week about my old job owing me money; I eventually got £106 off them. As well as £46 the month before, then yesterday I got a letter off Customs and Revenue saying I'd been taxed £40 - meaning I'd been paid in total £192. I shouldn't have been taxed and will be able to claim that £40 back. So, I went through everything thoroughly and counted my hours and wrote down exact dates, and worked out I'm still owed £120. Phoning the assistant manager back in 5 mins after he's had another check for me to sort this out. So, now that I have exact numbers, hopefully I should be able to get that.
My phone provider owed me £38 but were only refunding £13, so I phoned them yesterday and got that sorted, got a phone call back today saying I'm entitled an extra £5 for some reason, so I'll take that too!
However, I was then charged £9.99 for some insurance I didn't know I had and had to go through the effort on cancelling that! And I needed that money! Boo!
Then, I received a check for £79.99 I was owed; which I in turn owe to my mother :).
So hopefully I've got this all sorted out now, just need to phone assistant manager and the Tax man! Effort!