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Blog Entries posted by Jethraw

  1. Jethraw
    The Royal Wardrobe would be this, and nothing but this style of clothing. I'd also declare "Huge Ass Fridays" (In reference only to the grand thickness of the clothes!)

    Mandatory wigs would be worn all day er'ry day.

    I've spent all day today nursing the mightiest of mighty hangovers, watching the 4 hour mini-series "Charles II, the Power and the Passion". Had a huge difficulty in changing from disc 1 to disc 2, as the xbox was on the other side of the room. I stood up to change it once, fell back down and slept for 2 hours until someone came in and I asked them to change it for me.
    Now I'm moving on to Elizabeth I! Dame Helen Mirren, meeeeeeeeeeeow!
  2. Jethraw
    Ye' are far too good for Argos. Don't let the man keep you down! Get a new job and make Argos regret the day it was conceived as a brand name!
    (And if you find out tomorrow you actually got the job, remind them the opinions and views displayed in this blog no way reflect the opinions of Gonzyy or those affiliated closely to the Gonz' ^_^)
  3. Jethraw
    I've been offered a job interview on Monday, at a petrol station that would pay me around ~1.30 an hour more, which all adds up on a monthly basis.
    Trying not to get my hopes up too high about it, but this is the first interview I've been offered since I got my current job back in March, (nothing like a dead job market to cheer you up).
    Hopefully, very hopefully I'll get it, it would be a little easier on petrol to get to as well, and there's good chance of getting time and a half by offering to do the scummy shifts nobody wants to do (late Friday and Saturday nights basically).
    Oh well, can but hope, now I must go to my current job :s Anything to get away from fast food.
  4. Jethraw
    I miss you,
    Also, on a scal of 1-10 how open are you to coming to Norn Irreland if I don't go England for uni next year? :glasses:
  5. Jethraw
    I also think I've been inadvertently charged with destroying the Catholic faith in 17th Century England.
    We've been watching a 4hour production by the BBC of King Charles II of England, and he's by far my favorite monarch ever. I actually cried when he died in the DVD, I get very emotionally invested in silly things. I cried last year when Elizabeth I died in the DVD we watched :P
    But, for some reason, I keep having this recurring dream, in which I'm standing in the House of Commons with Charles II, repeatedly screaming at him:
    "What is this ardent Popery?!"
    I also insist that all Catholics are heretics and should be aptly hounded for their faith, and demand that James II be blocked from ever obtaining the Throne of England, this is the will of the mob and must be done to secure the line of the honorable James I.

  6. Jethraw
    Is good for the soul.
    I had a pretty tough week at school and work, basically just trying to get through the week and get back into the routine, and it put me in a very bad mood for a couple days. So I decided to sort it by spending all the money I've earned and saved.
    So I set off for town with a list of school supplies to buy, and with other shops to visit in mind.
    I spent about £20 on my own and my sister's supplies - buying myself an epic WWE document wallet and file in the process. Randy Orton represent yo'.
    I then popped into Sainsbury's and Tesco's and picked up a 3 disc best of RAW 2009 WWE DVD for £6, bloody bargain!
    By this point I was feeling pretty good about my limited spending and went to GAME to take a quick browse, maybe purchase a new strategy game...
    £40 later I have Shogun: Total War 2, Civilisation IV and a game called "The Settlers"! - honestly, it's good for the body and mind this retail therapy malarky.
    Then I decided to finish the day off by buying a large big mac meal, and eating it whilst driving to the nearest JJB and Tesco express to pick up job applications.
    Now I'm at home, with two complete job applications to drop off, a full belly, new games - and I even bought a money box to stop myself doing it all again! What a good day!
  7. Jethraw
    mememe name is low low low low
    is it blowwwww kiiiiiiii
    wat wat bebebebebebebebebe
    bh bh bh bh
    I BLOW
    cos i dont have the timeeeeeeeeee
  8. Jethraw
    Was a great success, I'd say. We had 8 people turn-out for the event, and I don't think there was anyone who couldn't get all ten penguins.
    They were in great locations and it was a good event, until Xaria got PK'd in the Dark Knight's Fortress getting all 3 wilderness penguins at once (what luck!)


    Then we all gathered at the end for a quick message - where Vearl disappeared in thin air as it was snapped!

    And for anyone who's interested - it took us about 30 minutes to get them all. Not bad at all.
    The event will run again next Monday, same time - then will probably move to Wednesday, so start saving your penguins and go the cool way - with Sal's!
  9. Jethraw
    After a week of more or less 4 games of soul wars a day - I finally got baby Jad, and he's a funny, adorable little nipper!


    He's also hilarious in conversation.

  10. Jethraw
    We discovered a game we haven't played in over a year tonight! Farragomate!
    The layout is this:
    You get given a series of words and letters, and have to make a sentence out of them:
    Here are some of the ones we came up with:
    Warning: Semi-NSFW
  11. Jethraw
    Starting this Monday, I'll be hosting weekly penguin hunting trips for anyone who is interested - everyone is welcome to attend, and attendance is appreciated :(
    For more information check this thread.
    There will be a notice in the citadel and reminders given closer to the time in game :(
  12. Jethraw
    Turns out "The British Version" was actually called Waking The Dead - same kind of show though! They work in the Cold Case Unit!
    I may or may not have ordered the first three series thinly disguised as a birthday present for my mother.
  13. Jethraw
    Anyone watch it? I use to watch the british equivalent before it ended, each episode was 2 hours and played over the course of two days (or weeks).
    I stumbled upon it one day trying to escape the Mexican heat, the American version is truly great, ad I ended up hiding in my room for an hour each day to watch it.
    Hopefully going to find a way to watch it when I get back.
  14. Jethraw
    I got an A in Ict, A in history, and a C in english literature and French. I was hoping to get a b in French so I could drop it at ease - but I can't complain considering how hard I found it all year - a C is a healthy enough pass and I think I'm taking AS drama to try and cover for it
    going to resit English as I need to pull that up to a B.
    All in all I'm very happy, can now enjoy summer before school next week!
  15. Jethraw
    I got a little bored today, so decided to walk along the beach.
    After 20 minutes or so I reached another resort and pulled up a pew.
    2 minutes later I realised something - nobody is wearing any clothes!
    A large woman then asked if I needed any help with my trunks.
    I yelled my boyfriend was waiting for me and ran - leaving my top behind me in the panic.
    An article of my clothing now lies forever on a nudist beach in a swingers resort in Mexico
  16. Jethraw
    Or something like that.
    I'm off to Mexico in the morning for two weeks!
    Goodbye UK. Hello mojito bar and beach hammocks!
    See ya in two weeks! (or sooner if there's wifi fir my iPod.)
    I have nine new books to plough through, I left the tenth I drove 30minutes specifically to buy at home in N.I :(
    Anywho, asta la vista (?)!!!
  17. Jethraw
    As I blogged about earlier in the week, yesterday, 3rd August, I went to see Iron Maiden live, in the Odyssey Arena Belfast, supported by Dragonforce.
    We caught the train to Belfast at around 12:40 after minor delays, and, after 30 minutes of watching one strange dude try to chat up a girl on the train, (she was having none of it), we got off at Belfast and immediately went to grab some food before we did anything else.
    After a horrific experience at Subway involving a lack of bread, a compulsion to put Salami on anything that moved and refusal to let us have cups to put our drinks in we finally left and headed for the center of Belfast.
    We found a quiet little pub just off the main square and sat there with a few drinks for a couple of hours, before moving into City Hall itself to lie down on the grass in the sun, and check out the new screen that's been put there to promote the London 2012 Olympics.
    At around 4PM we decided it was finally time to make a move toward the venue, stopping en-route for a Pick'N'Mix and a chat to some friendly folk in the Build-A-Bear Workshops. Close to the venue we sat down on a bench to finish our sweets before getting in the queue, where we were approached by a 51 year old Belgian lady (who I am convinced was Egghebrecht), who wanted to smoke but isn't allowed to at bus stops, so decided to talk to us for 10 minutes instead.
    After a chat with her we moved off and finally arrived in the lengthy queue 90 minutes before the doors were set to open. So we plonked ourselves down and started to wait. We joined in with the chants for Maiden when approached, and promptly went insane when some crew members came outside and turned the cameras on us and began to record. I'm hopeful I'll be featuring on an Iron Maiden documentary / Music Video, but who knows? Watch this space.
    We got let in at 6:20 and rushed to the merch stall since I was one of the first people in, grabbed this t-shirt and ran in to get as close to the front as possible, finding myself a nice patch of floor around 3 rows of people away from the front.
    The first thing we saw when we arrived was, what appeared to be an incredibly small stage for some reason, two large screens on each side and a giant Dragonforce banner.

    Now, I've heard my fair share of negative rumours about Dragonforce's inability to play live shows, their tendancy to turn up drunk to these shows and subsequently mess up the show. So, I didn't have high expectations for them, especially since they lost their vocalist last year. However, when they came on stage, they announced this was their first ever gig with their new frontman, and I was simply blown away.
    They played a 40 minute set with old stuff, tracks from their new album to be released early 2012 and finishing with Through the Fire and Flames, as song which everyone knew :(
    I also got a shout-out on stage from their bassist, Frédéric Leclercq, for screaming something about his insanely awesome huge curly hair during a lull in noise, which made my night before Maiden had even walked on stage!

    The guy on the right is the one I yelled at, he then started playing with his hair and yelled "Damn right my hair is amazing!" back at me down the microphone :D

    After Dragonforce had finished we were witness to something I will eternally credit Iron Maiden with. A quick set change. Within 15 minutes of Dragonforce leaving, Maiden were ready to take stage.
    The Dragonforce banner had been taken down, to reveal a large curtain. After it was ready and the stage was set, we were confused. There was no drum kit, no stands, just 4 microphones at the front of the stage. Then hands started poking through the curtain, and the curtain started being pushed forward at the bottom, by what, we couldn't tell.
    Then, the into to Maiden's latest album - The Final Frontier, which is about 4 minutes long hit. The roof promptly exploded and the crowd went wild.
    Four minutes later the curtain is bulging beyond belief and the lights drop. The curtain falls and a huge set is revealed, with Bruce Dickinson simply strolling on stage.

    By this point I had to stop taking pictures really, as the place was simply being torn apart. The event security, who usually strictly enforce the "No moshing" "No crowd surfing" and "No smoking" signs, gave up halfway through Satellite 15 and instead took to placing stretchers in the front for those who inevitably got knocked out. Lovely.
    At this point I have to credit Bruce Dickson, in my opinion, the best front man of all time. There's really something to be said for a man who can tell a story about Islamic Maiden fans, Christian maiden fans, and refer to the Oslo murderer as a, and I quote, "tosser", and, as a result of this story, have a Northern Irish crowd join him in a chant of "Equality" before ripping into a song, resulting in the Northern Irish crowd (who still, in this day and age, have all the Unionist/Nationalist, Protestant/Catholic crap going on) linking together and swaying to scream "We're Blood Brothers" for about seven minutes solid.
    After just over an hour of playing, they unleashed "Fear of the Dark" upon the crowd, who went electric for it. Moreso, when, halfway through the song, a giant Mechanical Eddie walked on stage and began to play guitar.

    After this. It was time for Iron Maiden to play their final song, Hallowed Be Thy Name. Eddie had departed and the crowd joined in, thoroughly gutted the night was drawing to a close. Halfway through the room began to shake a little, and a loud rumbling noise erupted. Looking toward the stage, Eddie was back. And bigger.

    After that, Eddie roared a cheerful goodbye, and Maiden took their leave.
    The crowd however, were not finished with Maiden, roaring loudly for them to return, and within 3 minutes of frenzied screaming, Bruce was back, and his boys soon followed.
    We were then treated to a three song encore which included their famous song "The Number of the Beast", where, we were visited by the Devil himself.

    During the night, Bruce seemed to imply that this would indeed be their "Final" Frontier, their last world tour. Though he never outright said it, he implied it, and talked about how it showed who your true friends are.
    It would be a crying shame for a band who clearly still have so much to give to finish, but they've earned it, and if it is their last tour, at least I got to see them once.
    My favourite band of all time :P
    Also - please note, none of these pictures have any zoom on them, so that should tell you a little of how close I got to the front.
    EDIT: Sadly, I didn't get any of the things the band were throwing off stage - plectrums, drum sticks, etc.
    However, Bruce's hat was thrown in and the guy standing next to me nabbed it. I did get my hand on it before being jumped on, scratched, trampled on, knocked over and caught in a scene worse than any of the mosh pits :D
    Bloody Maiden fans.
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