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_max last won the day on March 9 2012

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About _max

  • Birthday 01/19/1912

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  1. Why don't you think the jungle is good? generally you got more gold now than before, clear times are about the same from what i remember, and now if you fail your first gank you aren't behind for a while
  2. 47k not 470k haha
  3. 3 dorans blades? Such a waste of gold. Only get a second if you're so far behind. So in my jungle builds lately, I've found that going Golem into Locket is very useful. Especially on Zac and J4. Actually, the koreans are getting extra dorans if they are ahead on olaf. It's for early game domination. In S$ I have no doubt people will be starting 1-2 dorans because they get much gold anyway(and they cost less on pbe) Did they change wriggles, if not why even bother building it?
  4. which explains why your 3's team is higher than you in soloq? wat - 3s mmr is irrelevant to 5s, its based off its own mmr from normals and from the teams you're on, also there are tons of bronze soloq players whom are challenger - and diamond players who are silver, it's not that comparable to SR in any way not what i meant, obviously someone who is say diamond in soloq 5's is going to be mechanically better than someone in bronze, those skills transfer unilaterally through the game no matter the game mode. Off topic but what 3's team is bronze in solo q and challenger in 3's?
  5. which explains why your 3's team is higher than you in soloq?
  6. 3's is definitely easier than 5's or solo queue completely untrue but ok - it's more punishing then summoners rift and takes good teamfight mechanics and game knowledge what i meant by that is that the skill cap is lower due to the majority of good players playing in 5's or solo q, it's a less played mode so its going to be easier to rank in it EDIT: for example if you win like 20 of your 30 first games in 3's you're already in high diamond if not challenger if you did well enough
  7. 3's is definitely easier than 5's or solo queue
  8. You really should be buying one if your support isn't. While it's flat out stats for you aren't that cost efficient, it's really good for your team overall. as the jungler if you're building locket and they have less than 3 ap you're doing it wrong. If you're playing someone like vi/elise/j4 you're better off with sunfire/randuins a visage and golem. locket is just a waste of money Locket gives you 2274g worth of stats with only the self stats, with 760g worth of aura per ally for 2500g cost. Spirit Visage gives 3.8k worth of self stats, for 2850g cost. Locket is equal to SV when 2 allys are affected, better for >2. Similar story for other items you mentioned. You're not entirely wrong about Randuins/SV being better outright - they're better against ad/ap respectively, but rushing either leaves you hugely vulnerable to other damage types until your next. Locket is simply the most balanced defensive item for most situations. while i agree with your math and you do have a point you have to keep in mind that the whole point of the jungler role right now is to be as tanky while still dealing dmg as possible making spirit visage and sunfire/randuins much better. Also if you rush a locket you're going to be weaker than the other jungler who hasn't rushed it. Also if you look at high tier junglers, specifically nightblue3 (he was rank 13 2 weeks ago) he has said on stream and in his builds that locket is not worth unless 3+ ap Watching meteos over the past 2 dayshe rushes locket on every single jgl regardless of enemy team I've been watching it w/o sound so... he builds locket about half the time according to his match history He also plays mostly carry junglers. and the meta right now is pretty much orientated around carry-esq junglers, Lee,udyr,vi,elise,hecarim. They build fairly tanky but still output pretty good dmg
  9. You really should be buying one if your support isn't. While it's flat out stats for you aren't that cost efficient, it's really good for your team overall. as the jungler if you're building locket and they have less than 3 ap you're doing it wrong. If you're playing someone like vi/elise/j4 you're better off with sunfire/randuins a visage and golem. locket is just a waste of money Locket gives you 2274g worth of stats with only the self stats, with 760g worth of aura per ally for 2500g cost. Spirit Visage gives 3.8k worth of self stats, for 2850g cost. Locket is equal to SV when 2 allys are affected, better for >2. Similar story for other items you mentioned. You're not entirely wrong about Randuins/SV being better outright - they're better against ad/ap respectively, but rushing either leaves you hugely vulnerable to other damage types until your next. Locket is simply the most balanced defensive item for most situations. while i agree with your math and you do have a point you have to keep in mind that the whole point of the jungler role right now is to be as tanky while still dealing dmg as possible making spirit visage and sunfire/randuins much better. Also if you rush a locket you're going to be weaker than the other jungler who hasn't rushed it. Also if you look at high tier junglers, specifically nightblue3 (he was rank 13 2 weeks ago) he has said on stream and in his builds that locket is not worth unless 3+ ap Watching meteos over the past 2 dayshe rushes locket on every single jgl regardless of enemy team I've been watching it w/o sound so... he builds locket about half the time according to his match history
  10. You really should be buying one if your support isn't. While it's flat out stats for you aren't that cost efficient, it's really good for your team overall. as the jungler if you're building locket and they have less than 3 ap you're doing it wrong. If you're playing someone like vi/elise/j4 you're better off with sunfire/randuins a visage and golem. locket is just a waste of money Locket gives you 2274g worth of stats with only the self stats, with 760g worth of aura per ally for 2500g cost. Spirit Visage gives 3.8k worth of self stats, for 2850g cost. Locket is equal to SV when 2 allys are affected, better for >2. Similar story for other items you mentioned. You're not entirely wrong about Randuins/SV being better outright - they're better against ad/ap respectively, but rushing either leaves you hugely vulnerable to other damage types until your next. Locket is simply the most balanced defensive item for most situations. while i agree with your math and you do have a point you have to keep in mind that the whole point of the jungler role right now is to be as tanky while still dealing dmg as possible making spirit visage and sunfire/randuins much better. Also if you rush a locket you're going to be weaker than the other jungler who hasn't rushed it. Also if you look at high tier junglers, specifically nightblue3 (he was rank 13 2 weeks ago) he has said on stream and in his builds that locket is not worth unless 3+ ap
  11. I don't know if you've ever used an iPad Mini and Nexus 7 side by side, but let me tell you there's a big difference. The app ecosystem of the iPad is just so much better. Not only that, but you can get great styluses with palm rejection built in making it useful for things like schoolwork (which the Nexus 7 is absolutely terrible for). Yea. is the palm rejection on apples end or what? Yeah, the iPad mini has palm rejection to compensate for the smaller bezels. oh interesting
  12. I don't know if you've ever used an iPad Mini and Nexus 7 side by side, but let me tell you there's a big difference. The app ecosystem of the iPad is just so much better. Not only that, but you can get great styluses with palm rejection built in making it useful for things like schoolwork (which the Nexus 7 is absolutely terrible for). Yea. is the palm rejection on apples end or what?
  13. You really should be buying one if your support isn't. While it's flat out stats for you aren't that cost efficient, it's really good for your team overall. as the jungler if you're building locket and they have less than 3 ap you're doing it wrong. If you're playing someone like vi/elise/j4 you're better off with sunfire/randuins a visage and golem. locket is just a waste of money
  14. By the way don't ever build a locket in the jungle unless they have 3+ ap, it's just not cost efficient anymore
  15. anyone with decent poke/sustain. jayce and cho darius and vlad all comes down to familiarity though
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