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I support Swindon :box:


I am so looking forward to the world cup, it will be a great showcase for World TALENT. Not stupid talent contest, but something to make someone a hero or a villain.


Based on England's 5-1 victory to Croatia on Wednesday (which I was at) I'd think they'll be seeded along with Spain and Holland, and possibly a few other teams, so they'll have the advantage until the Second Round.


In all honesty, a win against Croatia isn't really all that great of an accomplishment. I don't think you can fairly compare them with teams that have had to play much more difficult competition based on that game.

You should have seen England in the 2008 Euro Cup. It was like a kindergarten team was trying out for the Euro Cup, it was sad :wizard:


In club footy my favorite team ever is Celtic but usually I don't get to watch them...


I support Liverpool, VfB Stuttgart, and Bordeaux (the last one for no real reason).


I think the US will actually do well in the Cup this year...they may even win. Who knows. If there was a year I would pick the US to win, though, this would totally be it.

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Well, sometimes people just support a team, knowing it will not win :wizard: I'm supporting my country, Honduras, which hasn't qualified yet, but has done a great job on the Concacaf qualifiers, but I just know it won't win :box:


I'm all for Spain on this cup, Argentina disappointed me (badly, Maradona crapped himself on the team) and France isn't going great.


They just need to sack him. The consequences media-wise may be bad, but it's a lesser evil compared to where Maradona is leading the team (and no, it's not South Africa '10.)

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Well, sometimes people just support a team, knowing it will not win :wizard: I'm supporting my country, Honduras, which hasn't qualified yet, but has done a great job on the Concacaf qualifiers, but I just know it won't win :box:


I'm all for Spain on this cup, Argentina disappointed me (badly, Maradona crapped himself on the team) and France isn't going great.


They just need to sack him. The consequences media-wise may be bad, but it's a lesser evil compared to where Maradona is leading the team (and no, it's not South Africa '10.)

I hope they do. It's a pain to watch a team that has people like Messi and Kun Aguero play so miserably.


And I don't like italians either, I don't like them on the midfield and on attack, but man, they are the greatest defenders :/

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Well, sometimes people just support a team, knowing it will not win :box: I'm supporting my country, Honduras, which hasn't qualified yet, but has done a great job on the Concacaf qualifiers, but I just know it won't win :/


I'm all for Spain on this cup, Argentina disappointed me (badly, Maradona crapped himself on the team) and France isn't going great.


Doubt Argentina are going to qualify this year. :rich:


Luckily Spain, England and the Netherlands are through. Germany and Italy are set to be going through as well.


In the 2006 I supported Togo. :wizard:

No idea why, I just picked the one which I think had the nicest flag.




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Portugal might not qualify. :box:

Bet all the England supporters are are partying and celebrating. :/

All Ronaldo haters worldwide are celebrating.


I'm gonna go have a basket of fries to celebrate if they fail.

I really hope we stay in the same group if Portugal qualifies, so I can laugh when we beat you 5-0 with Ronaldo scoring 3.

I also laughed when I read your other post. USA can win the world cup this year? :wizard:

Yeah with your super-team led by Landon Donovan and...hmm...huh...that other guy...what's his name again?...you know the "new Pelé"...oh right Freddy Adu! The guy that got dismissed from Benfica.

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For all those who hate the name Soccer, it's still a proper name. The technical name is Association Football. Soccer comes from the Association part. :wizard:


I love and play soccer myself, but I actually never watch any. I'm just gonna pick a team probably and support them for the World Cup. Probably some underdog team.

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Handegg? It's the manliest sport ever and y'all give it a name like handegg?

Fruity, gtfo.


Everyone knows Aussie football is the manliest.

You know what you're talking about. :wizard:


Anyway, Australia's already qualified for the World Cup, that's all I care about for now. :box:

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I really dislike Italian players, all they do is dive, cry, and pitch fits. It's so ridiculous. I hate footy every time I watch Italians play. I'm reminded of why Americans hate footy.

Banned lol


USA can win the world cup this year?
Greece won Euro '04. :wizard:
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I really dislike Italian players, all they do is dive, cry, and pitch fits. It's so ridiculous. I hate footy every time I watch Italians play. I'm reminded of why Americans hate footy.

Banned lol

Set Gattuso on him lol. But I guess nobody deserves that punishment. :wizard:


USA can win the world cup this year?
Greece won Euro '04. :box:

You just killed the topic. TYVM. :/

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