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You go to Pvp with a Blue Partyhat, you run around with it all happy and all of a sudden. WHOOM! Somebody throws a gnome ball at you and D claws you, You respawn in Egdeville with the thinking you still have Blue Partyhat, But you see the Gnome ball in your inventory, what would you do next?

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120M is a lot to lose. :rolleyes:




Blue Partyhat? Rage quit but then come crawling back to earn everything back weeks later.

My most valuable item? A whip rofl. I have 11m cash, and if I lost that I'd just earn it back.


Ragequit for a few hours, then start playing again for another 15mins, get sad and not play for a few days. (I did this when I lost my torso.) :rolleyes:

I can live with a lost whip. Considering I have 65m cash, and about 75-80m total value I wouldn't be too sad to see it go :rolleyes:


Actually, your most valuable item is a fury.


I bought one at 1.8m and sold it at 1.5m. I think some RuneScape god hates me.


Honestly would not worry too much over it. I could make 100-200m back in about a month. It would just be a pain losing what I had already worked for.


If I lost my most valuable item, I would kill myself. My life isn't worth living without a partyhat.



No, guys, I don't think I'd actually kill myself :wizard:




Completely retire instead of coming back a month later.


You don't know that:P You can come crawling back at any time with nostalgia. Haha.


I don't have expensive items. I don't think I would care if I got hacked and lost everything TBH.


If it were a phat, I'd quit. Probably not ragequit, more like "Self pity" quit.


If it were my Tassets... I'd say Dang! and then put on Dragon Platelegs and complain about it for a few weeks.

Posted (edited)

I wouln't care, my most valueable item is a dragon longsword (I sold everything :rolleyes:)

Edited by Moo
Weren't the protect values of partyhats changed?

I'd probably rage quit, break the computer, the house, the car...


Did they change it?

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