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The Best Songs From A Video Game


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The Halo 3 music at the last level on Campaign. It feels so epic..


I think it's called One Final Effort.. It's a good ending to Halo 3 if you ask me, with this dramatic music in the back.


EDIT: It might of been this one:

, I can't really tell but this one sounds faster-paced. Edited by W h I t 3 x DiScIpL3
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There's just too many to begin to mention them one by one. Amazingly enough, I do believe the video game industry have become really good at using music that fits their games and promote songs and genres.


I'll admit, series like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Mass Effect, Halo or [insert series/game here] have great music, but most of the time, it's hard to notice because they're low in the background so they just enhance the mood in the game at that moment, but you never really pick up on it. It's a pity. :huh:

Edited by Yuanrang
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The Metal Gear Solid 3 main theme. No not snake eater, the other main theme :huh:

Fast forward to 5:10, its the type of music you can drink scotch to.


How about music based off video games?


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The Metal Gear Solid 3 main theme. No not snake eater, the other main theme :unsure:

Fast forward to 5:10, its the type of music you can drink scotch to.


I absolutely agree on that choice, although to be entirely honest, it's not exactly the MGS3 theme. It's in fact just a modified version of the MGS2 Theme. The distinctive MGS3 theme was Snake Eater. :mellow:


I got to admit, that song is just fairly beautiful (MGS2 theme, not Snake Eater although that's not awful) and it did help to create some damn epic scenes in MGS 2, 3 and 4. It's odd to say, but after having been a gamer for over 15 years and played Metal Gear for just as long (pre MGS even), it was a strange feeling to go through the end of MGS4. I don't actually think I've been that moved and involved by the end as I was when finishing that gaming experience that lasted for nearly 2 decades. :huh:

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Still Alive from Portal is a brilliant song in its own right.


The Soundtrack to Heavy Rain works perfectly within the situation of the game and is incredibly powerful there.


And I think Rockstar are brilliant at nailing the right playlists for their games, so any of those can be used.

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I adore the Kingdom Hearts music. Not just 'Simple and Clean/Hikari' and 'Sanctuary/Passion', either (though Utada is a godess). The battle musics were awesome (whatup One Winged Angel when you fought Sephiroth in KH1), and DEARLY BELOVED... :huh:

Although, I have to admit, in some of the pieces the piano is a little too heavy for the theme. They still sound good, but it feels as though lighter notes would be more appropriate.


Also, MGS music and anything from Rockstar. Diddy Kong Racing 64 had some really good tracks. I enjoyed the music in the N64 Zelda games too, and I have no problems chucking on the beats from Rock Solid in Conker's Bad Fur Day. :unsure:

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