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Sal's RuneScape Forum

Chat room

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I was thinking that, along side with our message thing, we can have a real time chat room to the side of the forums. Basically, it would work like this.


Player A would say 'hi'.

Anyone on the forums, if they wish to see it, can look to the side, and see the message.

Now, Player B can reply 'hi', and everyone, including Player A can see it.


This way, I figure we can make it easier for people to socialize, and get help from others.


If you wish, you can support, and I will put you in a list, or you can go against the idea, and I'll have a list for that too.

Yet another way to think of it is like this. One, massive thread where everyone can see it, anyone can reply to it, and someone can receive it.





Haterz (Or againsters, your choose)


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This suggestion has been made so many times.


It's also in the auto-discard pile, meaning it won't happen.


Ill link you to the topic in a second but the reason tit won't happen is because it would take to much moderation.




  • Anything related to the Site Overhaul or main site. Sal will get to that eventually.
  • Custom member titles for forum members/Personal photo: The ability to change your member title and have a personal photo is a privilege for the DMs, Mods, and Admins.
  • Member of the Month: Negative (green) warns make this unnecessary.
  • Sectional Moderators: The moderating team will make all decisions about whether to add moderators.
  • Fake Group, GFX Group, etc.: It's up to the moderating team to discuss whether new groups are needed.
  • Removal of certain smilies: Extra smilies do no harm.
  • Forum Clan: This would be too difficult to organize and maintain, so Sal's has no official clans.
  • Closing own topics in the marketplace: DMs already have this power.
  • COPPA [Children's Online Privacy Protection Act]: We have already decided against using COPPA.
  • Rants Forum: These threads fit under General RS Discussion.
  • Advertising Forums: Anyone can advertise in their signature.
  • Love Helpline: This is not a dating forum.
  • Shoutbox or IRC Chat.

Edited by Fatalysm
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