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Rune/Logan's (NEW) 99 Magic Log!

Logan McDerpy

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Welcome to Logan's NEW 99 Magic Log!


Screenshots of skills as of 04/15/12





I'll most likely be doing strings till 99, or plank make if I have an huge amount of time. If you happen to stumble upon my old 99 magic log, don't visit it, because it is REALLY BAD D:


Here's my bank as of 04/18/12, not much but it will get me through. (I have no astral runes because i used them for 86 magic)




Also, sorry for the junk piled around all over, im too lazy to clean it >.>


Well that's it for now, I'll be updating frequently!

Remember to follow!!


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Hey Logan :hellfire: :hellfire: :hellfire: :hellfire: :hellfire: :hellfire: :hellfire:

Nice to see that you've started a log again (Even though I never checked your old one....)

Good luck with 99 magic *Cough* You'll never get it@@@@ *Cough*

Just kidding as always, support and good luck! :)

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