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Gocart as a Baby


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Aww, polar bear cub is just soo cute! Those little stubby polar bear legs... :wub:


there's an obligatory dani the bear joke in here



i don't know where but it's somewhere

Okay, so a bear walks into a bar. Bartender goes "can I help you?". The bear replies "I'll have a gin..... and tonic." The bartender says "can you repeat that?" So the bear again says "I'll have a gin..... and tonic." With a curious look on his face, the bartender asks "What's with the pause?" The bear looks at his big fuzzy paws and says "I don't know, I was born with them."

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He always wanted to be ever since this day



He was rescued and this is how he discovered to move his legs like a human


Those demented scientists! :laughroll:




He shall have his revenge!! :evil:(Language warning)






Edited by wartoc1
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He always wanted to be ever since this day



He was rescued and this is how he discovered to move his legs like a human


Those demented scientists! :laughroll:




He shall have his revenge!! (Language warning)







Aww, I remember that day, I asked him, "what's that on your nose?" He said, "Don't worry, it's just snow."



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He always wanted to be ever since this day



He was rescued and this is how he discovered to move his legs like a human


Those demented scientists! :laughroll:




He shall have his revenge!! (Language warning)







Aww, I remember that day, I asked him, "what's that on your nose?" He said, "Don't worry, it's just snow."







He said that to me when I saw him the other day, too!


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