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Will someone tell me what 'in the open' means?



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Are they only saying 'in the open', or is it used in some sort of sentence? I haven't played in a few months so it might be a new saying that's sprung up, but with some kind of context of its use we might be able to guess what it means.

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No, just 'in the open'. They stand in one spot and say it, and generally it's in the more crowded GE worlds. (trading worlds, bonfire, ect.) I'm thinking it's the old Bank Sale thing, but I can't be too sure.



Someone just traded him and the trader said "Hot". Then the 'in the open' guy said "Better luck next time." I've seen this repeated with different people as well... I don't understand.

Edited by CandyCaneOli
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That's a flower game. Don't even bother with it, you'll end up far worse off than when you started.


Flower game? Like what do they do?


It's gambling. You tell them either "hot" or "cold", and they plant a flower. If it's a warm or cold colour, you win or lose depending on what you told them.


The house always wins.

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1. "In the open." is a quick chat message usually used by people who have been muted because of flower game but keep hosting using quick chat.

2. "In the open." is a quick chat message used by bots that host flower games (Known for not scamming).

3. "In the open." is a message used by people who are pretending to be flower game bots that people depict as non-scammers. People fool for this trick, the scammer leaves with the money.


To sum it up, just ignore them.

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At one point I was 10mil+ up from the flower poker game, but I wouldn't recommend it, because I lost about 3mil to a scammer and quit doing it for good. It was pretty fun to win a bunch of money though. Note that I didn't do it all at once either, I would just do it once or twice if I was headed to the ge and felt like gambling. I'd say you have better chances with flower poker, but it's still less than 50/50, because usually black and white is host win. Normal flower game is worse odds, because the red/yellow/blue flower is host win, so that's 4/7 chance that the host will win every time(3 hot flowers 3 cold flowers and r/y/b).

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