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Guest Daviddts

Hello Everyone!

I'm a Player Moderator of RuneScape, and I'm looking to do a monthly 'gathering' session with the fansite community, to get a general consensus of Player Moderator in the RuneScape community. It should be acknowledged this is not an official Jagex hosted initiative/post. However, I do plan to relay the feedback to other Player Moderators as well. ^_^ I will be compiling all responses from this thread into a monthly report-type style, and then presenting it to others.


Information I'm looking for is pretty much anything around the Player Moderator role, not so much questions but constructive criticism/critique. Some examples are below:

  • How do you think the Player Moderator team could be improved?
  • What would you like to see Player Moderators doing more of? (Events, Competitions, Q&A's, ect.)
  • Do you agree with the current Player Moderator's role in the community? (Explain)
  • Are there any current issue's in the community you feel Player Moderators should be addressing?
  • Any other thoughts on Player Moderators?

I look forward to seeing everyone's thoughts/opinions on this topic, and it doesn't have to be limited to the above, I want this to be an open discussion thread to get the actual thoughts/feelings from the community on Player Moderators. If you have any questions about Player Moderators, I ask you don't post them here -- but you're welcomed to message me here, or in-game -- I'd like to keep this thread collective feedback only so it's easier to compile the information. I appreciate your time in reading this!




Daviddts :D

Posted (edited)

I haven't played the normal game in some time, but when I was playing I couldn't really fault any of the player moderators for any negative experience. From what I could tell they did a great job, and if anything more moderators being around would have been even better.


Let me don my hat for something that could be completely irrelevant or my desire to blame everything on Jagex:



It seems like this is most likely an "issue-search" by Jagex (or at least very driven by them), and I'd really put the fault on them for the game's decline, not the moderators.

Edited by Zooey

How do you think the Player Moderator team could be improved?

Honestly I have no idea, I rarely see any player moderators when I'm playing nowadays so I don't know how you can 'improve' because I don't know what you are like. But anyway I've always thought P Mods were normal players with some extra powers and authority to help Jagex deal with incessante spam, ad bots, excessive use of inappropriate language etc, so I have no idea why you think you need to 'improve'. Just play the game normally and relax.

What would you like to see Player Moderators doing more of? (Events, Competitions, Q&A's, ect.)

Eh nothing at all. As I've said above I think you should just play the game normally with no pressure to do stuff you wouldn't normally do just to please the community. I can't speak for all the RuneScape players but I honestly wouldn't care more about a player moderator hosted event or competition than I would for one hosted by 'normal' players.

Do you agree with the current Player Moderator's role in the community? (Explain)

I have no idea what your role in the community is. Personally I only know one moderator and she's a pretty cool and likeable person. If your role is being a nice and distinguished member of the RuneScape community and you are half as nice and helpful as she is then I think you're doing a great job already.

Are there any current issue's in the community you feel Player Moderators should be addressing?

I assume you guys and girls have a way to contact Jagex that is more efficient than the normal means due to your position as player mods? If I'm right I think you could try being more involved in the battle against bots. I was thinking maybe something like if a player had evidence of someone botting that player could send the evidence to a player mod and the player mod direct it to Jagex so they could take a look at it and hopefully punish the cheater. That would make you more involved with the community and you would actually be helping making RuneScape a better game.

But of course knowing Jagex this will probably never happen, I personally know of someone who botted an account to max stats, got caught by Jagex and his punishment was a three months ban. The guy botted an account to max stats and got a three months ban... absolutely ridiculous.

Any other thoughts on Player Moderators?

Truth be told other than Tabt all the player moderators I've met were a bit of power abusers, well maybe not power abusers but they had a very unfair way to interpret the rules in a manner that favoured them. For example I met some clanner player mods that would go and mute their rival clan members in wars because they were 'spamming' just because they could, and ignored/pretended not to see their own clan members doing exactly the same thing. Though I prefer to think the ones I met were/are the bad apples and that the majority of you are better than that.

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