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Sal's RuneScape Forum

First Issue of... The Santafish Monthly!

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It is time to find your reading glasses because we are proud to announce the release of our brand new Community Newsletter!


“Is this like a Newspaper?”, you might ask. Well, not quite, but the easiest way for you to find the answer to that question would be to head over to our Newsletter for July and find out for yourselves. We even promise you a glimpse of what we intend for the Newsletter in the future.


We hope it will be an interesting read for you all and be a great source of inspiration!


-The Santafish Monthly Team

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nice shoutout to salscraft even tho it was unofficial

shows ur rly about the community <3



edit: holy fudge i got mentioned this is the proudest moment of my life



edit2: are you going to open the opinions section to the public to send it stuff sort of like a newspapers editoral page or something

Edited by Bill is LONELY in his tree
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edit2: are you going to open the opinions section to the public to send it stuff sort of like a newspapers editoral page or something

The whole newsletter will be opened up, so that anyone can submit anything they'd like for any section they'd like (or create a new section entirely). It's going to be pretty relaxed.

awsuim i mite right something

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I think it needs more hierarchy and fluff.


Also section heads.

I think it needs more ponies so it's more controversial :aware:

Oh come on, can't anybody take a joke <_<


hehehe, i've made the thread more controversial already. my plan is working!

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