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Why RuneScape Sucks


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This is just a video which shows some of the reasons that I believe RuneScape sucks. I hope that you can take me seriously and understand where I am coming from. I'm from the RuneScape 2 time and that was when RuneScape was well... "RuneScape" and their old one was named "RuneScape Classic", well Jagex pulled a Jagex and crippled what used to be fun for me. They're trying too hard and trying to sell too much. They've lost track of what the community wants and totally disregard the wants of the gaming community in an attempt to revamp things that just shouldn't be.

Java as a language is a poor fit for game development. It doesn't help that it is statically typed, which leads to a lot of boilerplate code, especially when you throw generics into the mix.

Java as a platform still suffers from the 'java is slow' mantra. It will probably never get rid of it. Even Minecraft suffers from it, as people keep wondering why Notch didn't code it in a 'real' language.

Java as a deployment tool is horrible. First applets were broken for over a decade, then webstart came along, turning out to be even worse. The only way to deploy reliably is to ship your own JVM. Android is surpringly the best deployment platform for java. It is too bad that the CPUs in mobile devices are slow and the interpreter makes performance even worse.

As a result of all of this, there is barely a toolchain for java game developement. This limits the productivity of developers coding a game in java, resulting in the majority being sub-par games.

This is the first mistake that Jagex made, choosing to continue furthering RuneScape in Java rather than choosing a real language to develop a game in. You would for example NEVER see a game with that graphics that Crisis has working Java based. It just wouldn't happen, ever. Edited by NoSouls
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After watching that video I get the feeling you haven't played Runescape properly recently and don't understand how the game works.


For example, how is not having jumping a bad thing. Runescape is designed around not being able to jump, and there is just no need for it, I can't see any benefit from adding it in.

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You can also technically jump, but not at will. Like Dei said having to jump at will would have no use in the game as it is. I guess it could play some role in combat, but I'm not sure if it would seriously add to the game.

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I think we're all from the Runescape 2 or even the Runescape Classic era also.


Jagex is making steps to go away from Java by using HTML5. Are you aware of this? Should help greatly.

I've not been enlightened on this, but that sounds quite interesting. The only thing that I can think of with them using HTML 5 is that they're using the same practice (as Java): They're using a language that will work for all platforms without requiring any effort to make the game work for other platforms. What do I mean by this? Their development team is taking a lazy route to make a game work on all systems by only having to make something once without needing to support other systems. This comes off to me as lazy and poor. This gives you an example of what an HTML 5 game would look like: http://littlewargame.com/play/


If they're planning to switch the entire game over to HTML 5, this may work. I'm just going to say the obvious though: A web browser was NEVER intended to be a full-fledged game engine. No matter what sort of additions are made to HTML and even with the news HTTP/2 that will be coming, I don't think you will ever have entire games like WoW or any of the ones I listed in the video. Those are REAL games, I don't consider RuneScape a real game anymore. I've played RuneScape for 4 years and they took away from what it used to be. It used to be a great "old" style game, but they're trying too hard to make it modern. RuneScape was good as a "classic"-feeling game, but they're trying too hard to make it look more realistic. Java isn't the way to go and I unfortunately don't think HTML5 is either, I will await the results though.


I don't misunderstand the game Wei, I was simply pointing out the fact that RuneScape as a game is less engaging than other games I listed. I just watched my friend yesterday watching YouTube videos, checking their emails and browsing Facebook all while "playing RuneScape". Clearly when you're just listening for wood cutting noises to stop to just click on something, you're not truly engaged nor challenged. You can't argue against the fact that a lot of RuneScape is repetitive and they're trying too hard to modernize the game. I really don't see it working. I think it is going to be a flop, they've already been losing players and Jagex claimed "We lost all the bots.", no that's not true. I will back this up that around the time Jagex took out the good PVP, I along with many of my friends quit. I also know friends of my friends that were upset about it and also quit. We had spent years in that game and by Jagex wrecking the PVP system, they really damaged their reputation and I don't think it will ever be back to the same.



I'm going to test out the HTML5 Beta of RuneScape. If anyone else is interested, here you go:



My review of RuneScape HTML5:

1. My entire computer is slowing down and I have a really NICE custom-built system.

2. The CPU and RAM of my system are going freakin' haywire.

3. Jagex clearly is trying too hard (not trying to troll).

4. Took over 30 seconds to sign in from the time I clicked the button.

5. http://i.imgur.com/C9jp3Ze.png (An image of Chrome eating my RAM and CPU because it is preloading the world)


Well that was a fun 15 seconds of my life. That's how long the game play actually lasted with the HTML5 beta. I do realize it is a beta, but based on how it is running now, this is never going to work. I'm sorry folks, it just isn't going to be a success. I'm a programmer, I've been on game design/development teams and I hate to break it to you, but this is hopeless.




Chrome started to split the process in half to distribute the memory to another process and the CPU spiked.


15 seconds after I was actually clicking around to play the game and this:




Sorry guys, RuneScape was once a good game, but Jagex axed it in half. It blows now, no offense to anyone (not trying to be offensive), but seriously just accept that Jagex is lazy and isn't that great of a development team. Just look at the games they made before RuneScape 3. Okay so you have RuneScape and RuneScape 2... but look at what they were making before RuneScape and there you have your answer. They make silly little kid games and that is all. The games are too simple which result in a boring play experience.

Edited by NoSouls
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I should first elaborate upon the graphics, as my impatience in watching such folly was too overwhelming.


Let's take a reasonable example from both games.




Now, one from WoW.




Already, we see some disparity between these faces. As is objectively true, that of RuneScape is much more attractive. But in order to bolster my point, I'll use a flawless facial beauty recognition program.






The RuneScape face leads by nearly two points out of ten. I believe discussion concerning that debate would no longer be practical with such conclusive results.


For more information on this matter, refer to the newest hit topic (by mere coincidence, you may find that I am the one who made it): http://runescape.salmoneus.net/forums/topic/362048-how-beautiful-is-your-face/



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I have no like science or facts or anything to back myself up.


My opinion, having played Runescape 2 and 3, would be that Runescape 2 was a much simpler game, which is what attracted people to it. The new Runescape is rather comparatively complex to Runescape 2, which is what I believe pushes people away. It's similar to something like Minecraft; the simplicity of the game is what was so captivating about it. Runescape 2 had a lot of skills, quests, and adventures players could go on, yet it was all contained, all manageable. Now, in my opinion, there is too much to handle.

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Some of your points are legitimate, some are outdated, and I think some are sort of trivial


Jumping-Who cares? What place would that have in the game.


Graphics-You compared a close-up image of a character to several (relatively) zoomed out ones. Detail is going to decrease as you zoom in. I don't think Zanaris is Runescape graphics at its best, and besides the trees all look the same there by design :P It's not supposed to be a realistic place, similar to how fairies are not realistic. But yeah, the graphics aren't as good as several other games.


Interface-I always found it confusing too, at least until I got used to it. But at this point it is possible to customize the interface. The interface you posted is one of hundreds of possible interfaces, some of which you may find less confusing.


Controls-Your main argument seems to be that its controls are confusing because they are not like other games. I believe Runescape is one of the first games of its kind. It came out in January 2001. If a kid named Jimmy was born the day Runescape came out, Jimmy would be in the 7th or 8th grade. So its controls precede that of WoW and presumably the other games you mentioned (I don't know how old they are). Why should Runescape change its controls to match those of later games? If anything we should be wondering why these other games do not use Runescape's controls.


Client-Runescape has an optional game client. I've never used it, but from what I've heard it gives you a better experience than just the browser.


Healing Spells-The lunar spell book has a healing spell, though it can only be used on others. The Ancient spell book has blood spells, which heal you based on what you hit. Summoning familiars can heal you, either with a bunyip (heals by just sitting there) or the unicorn (scroll required, but still practical)


Area of Effect-Runescape does have area of effect. Lunar and Ancient spell books have area of effect spells. Several special attacks (before being discontinued, though they will return soon) also had area of effect. There are also several combat abilities that uses this as well as the "retribution" prayer. None of these are very popular, which is why there aren't more. But in short, Runescape does have area of effect and has had it for at least nine years.


Buffs-Less Teamwork seems to be your main point here. Several of the newer bosses (such as Kalphite King) require teamwork. But I'm not even going to consider that really. Golf is a game that requires no teamwork. Does that make it worse of a game than team-oriented games, such as football? Runescape is individual-focused, and that is part of its appeal to its players.


PvP-The Wilderness has been back for a couple of years, but yeah PvP sucks now.


Servers-WoW has a much larger world right? That is probably why the servers hold more people. Runescape worlds with 8000 people on them would be extremely cluttered.


Music-A large portion of the music was revamped last July, there are also area sound effects. I've never listened to any other game music so I can't say much here.


Mounts-Mounts are not part of the fabric of the game and it has been this way for a long time. See the toy horses prank.


Quick Traveling-With the advent of lodestones, you can teleport to most important areas free of charge. Nobody walks from town to town anymore. I actually dislike this part of the game, as it seems to make the world less expansive and unrealistic (when was the last time you teleported to school/work?).


Quests-The only quests with a yellow dotted trail are the beginner quests. I think there might be a way to turn that off too.


Rares-Tradeable holiday items are more or less a mistake Jagex admitted to making, but they fixed it more than ten years ago. They couldn't make all rares untradeable because those items already had value attached to them. Tradeable rares were given away so long ago that nobody is really benefiting from them now. Almost everyone who has a rare now worked for it, and the majority of those people weren't playing when rares were given out.


Jagex Hate-The censor is now optional now, so you can curse or even intentionally offend people to a certain extent. If you call people racist slurs or anything along those lines, you will be punished... but is anything really wrong with that?


Runescape is less interactive-I agree parts of it are not that interactive, but others are. And besides, it's more convenient to be able to watch youtube videos and do homework while you train :P



I don't consider myself a Jagex apologist or anything of the sort. I've disagreed with several of their actions. But I don't think Runescape sucks. I've never played any other multiplayer games, so maybe that skewers my opinion a little.

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I should first elaborate upon the graphics, as my impatience in watching such folly was too overwhelming.


Let's take a reasonable example from both games.




Now, one from WoW.




Already, we see some disparity between these faces. As is objectively true, that of RuneScape is much more attractive. But in order to bolster my point, I'll use a flawless facial beauty recognition program.






The RuneScape face leads by nearly two points out of ten. I believe discussion concerning that debate would no longer be practical with such conclusive results.


For more information on this matter, refer to the newest hit topic (by mere coincidence, you may find that I am the one who made it): http://runescape.sal...l-is-your-face/




You are either totally obviously trying to troll me off this forum or I don't understand what you're trying to say at all. I don't even have a response to you, because I don't even know what you were trying to prove. If you were for some reason trying to say that RuneScape graphics are good as in better than that of WoW, I'm sorry that your eyes are broken.


I don't even like WoW although I did play it for about 6 months in comparison to RuneScape 2 which I played for 4 years.


I have no like science or facts or anything to back myself up.


My opinion, having played Runescape 2 and 3, would be that Runescape 2 was a much simpler game, which is what attracted people to it. The new Runescape is rather comparatively complex to Runescape 2, which is what I believe pushes people away. It's similar to something like Minecraft; the simplicity of the game is what was so captivating about it. Runescape 2 had a lot of skills, quests, and adventures players could go on, yet it was all contained, all manageable. Now, in my opinion, there is too much to handle.


I will somewhat agree with you, this goes hand-in-hand with my statement that they're just adding a bunch of useless features. Don't get me wrong, some can be fun. It's just that I see Jagex doing kind of what Blizzard was trying to do with raising the level cap. Rather than raising just the level cap, they've just added more skills for you to feel like you must level up. So that way when you 99 everything but the new skill, you will work on that.

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Some of your points are legitimate, some are outdated, and I think some are sort of trivial


Jumping-Who cares? What place would that have in the game.


Graphics-You compared a close-up image of a character to several (relatively) zoomed out ones. Detail is going to decrease as you zoom in. I don't think Zanaris is Runescape graphics at its best, and besides the trees all look the same there by design :P It's not supposed to be a realistic place, similar to how fairies are not realistic. But yeah, the graphics aren't as good as several other games.


Interface-I always found it confusing too, at least until I got used to it. But at this point it is possible to customize the interface. The interface you posted is one of hundreds of possible interfaces, some of which you may find less confusing.


Controls-Your main argument seems to be that its controls are confusing because they are not like other games. I believe Runescape is one of the first games of its kind. It came out in January 2001. If a kid named Jimmy was born the day Runescape came out, Jimmy would be in the 7th or 8th grade. So its controls precede that of WoW and presumably the other games you mentioned (I don't know how old they are). Why should Runescape change its controls to match those of later games? If anything we should be wondering why these other games do not use Runescape's controls.


Client-Runescape has an optional game client. I've never used it, but from what I've heard it gives you a better experience than just the browser.


Healing Spells-The lunar spell book has a healing spell, though it can only be used on others. The Ancient spell book has blood spells, which heal you based on what you hit. Summoning familiars can heal you, either with a bunyip (heals by just sitting there) or the unicorn (scroll required, but still practical)


Area of Effect-Runescape does have area of effect. Lunar and Ancient spell books have area of effect spells. Several special attacks (before being discontinued, though they will return soon) also had area of effect. There are also several combat abilities that uses this as well as the "retribution" prayer. None of these are very popular, which is why there aren't more. But in short, Runescape does have area of effect and has had it for at least nine years.


Buffs-Less Teamwork seems to be your main point here. Several of the newer bosses (such as Kalphite King) require teamwork. But I'm not even going to consider that really. Golf is a game that requires no teamwork. Does that make it worse of a game than team-oriented games, such as football? Runescape is individual-focused, and that is part of its appeal to its players.


PvP-The Wilderness has been back for a couple of years, but yeah PvP sucks now.


Servers-WoW has a much larger world right? That is probably why the servers hold more people. Runescape worlds with 8000 people on them would be extremely cluttered.


Music-A large portion of the music was revamped last July, there are also area sound effects. I've never listened to any other game music so I can't say much here.


Mounts-Mounts are not part of the fabric of the game and it has been this way for a long time. See the toy horses prank.


Quick Traveling-With the advent of lodestones, you can teleport to most important areas free of charge. Nobody walks from town to town anymore. I actually dislike this part of the game, as it seems to make the world less expansive and unrealistic (when was the last time you teleported to school/work?).


Quests-The only quests with a yellow dotted trail are the beginner quests. I think there might be a way to turn that off too.


Rares-Tradeable holiday items are more or less a mistake Jagex admitted to making, but they fixed it more than ten years ago. They couldn't make all rares untradeable because those items already had value attached to them. Tradeable rares were given away so long ago that nobody is really benefiting from them now. Almost everyone who has a rare now worked for it, and the majority of those people weren't playing when rares were given out.


Jagex Hate-The censor is now optional now, so you can curse or even intentionally offend people to a certain extent. If you call people racist slurs or anything along those lines, you will be punished... but is anything really wrong with that?


Runescape is less interactive-I agree parts of it are not that interactive, but others are. And besides, it's more convenient to be able to watch youtube videos and do homework while you train :P



I don't consider myself a Jagex apologist or anything of the sort. I've disagreed with several of their actions. But I don't think Runescape sucks. I've never played any other multiplayer games, so maybe that skewers my opinion a little.


I feel obligated to reply to you to clarify some things, because I don't think you totally understood some of my points. This is regular in a discussion though, because not everyone thinks the same. Let me go on to explain some things and I'll take it that you were asking questions rather than assumptions.


1. How come some of your points are legitimated, some are dated and some are "sort of" trivial.

I've never heard sort of trivial, there is either trivial or not. I think you meant to tell me that some of my points are trivial, which I will myself agree with even though I'm the person bringing this to discussion. I played RuneScape 2 and just yesterday made a RuneScape 3 account to quit the first day. I was excited signing up too and soon that excitement died off. Not even playing the 07 RuneScape is an adequate replacement.


2. Who cares about jumping?

Well, jumping is kind of a key part of most of the MMORPG games that I've played. Especially those with good graphics. Jumping wouldn't serve any purpose in RuneScape just like flying on a gryphon would serve no purpose in Super Mario Bros. In a game where jumping can't even be applied, I will tell you that you're taking away a vital feature to a game that is engaging and interactive. Users like to have control, the ability to jump is something that makes users feel in control and allows for climbing in certain games. The difference between clicking a wall to jump over a wall and actually pressing space bar a couple times and timed correctly gives you an idea of the engagement/interactivity that I'm talking about.


3. You compared graphics zoomed out, why did you do that?

I didn't actually go into each game to take the pictures, I will tell you that if you zoomed in on any of the faces in the free games that I listed, you would see more blending and the faces wouldn't be so rough and obviously fake, not so much as the RuneScape models anyways. If you want to pull out a game development book and read through it to understand things about shaders, blending and so on be my guest and you will find out that RuneScape simply cannot compete with the other games. I could show you this by comparing how much RuneScape uses my video card (GFX Card) compared to the other games. RuneScape just eats your RAM and CPU, I don't think it utilizes your graphics card as other games would to provide better graphics to you. The meshes in other games I've played compared to RuneScape are an overpowered win for some other games I have played. I'm not telling you that RuneScape sucks and not to play it, I'm just telling you it sucks so bad that I won't play it and I'm giving you reasons. If you want to scientifically rebuttal that, then do so. Show me something, don't just say it. I've done my best to show you within the time I allocated to make the presentation and ultimately the presentation with my voice why I believe RuneScape sucks now.


4. The interface confused me starting out too, but isn't it your job to get used to it and figure out what works for you?

I can understand where you're coming from, but their interface is almost trying to resemble other games, but it is late and is kind of failed in my opinion. The RuneScape interface is certainly something that has evolved over the years and took Jagex forever to catch up on. I feel that Jagex is playing the catch-up game constantly trying to draw in vital features from other games. You used to not have a "bind" bar at the bottom. There used to never be hotkeys and now they have those. The interface to me is just nowhere near as nice as a lot of other games I have played. Here is an example of a good health/mana bar:




5. Is your argument that the controls for RuneScape is confusing?

I never said the controls are confusing, I was saying they are not interactive (trying to). You use W, A, S, D to rotate a camera around where in other games you use W, A, S, D to interactively move your character around the map and usually tap (press) the space-bar to jump up. You simply aren't as engaged with your character in RuneScape as you are in many other free games. That is what I was trying to point out. In RuneScape.


6. Doesn't RuneScape have a client though?

No, RuneScape doesn't have an actual desktop client technically. They just embedded their java client into an EXE, which is why you still need Java to play the game using the desktop client. Think of it as more of a shortcut rather than an actual client.


7. Did you know there are healing spells in RuneScape?

No, I did not and that is definitely copied. Tens of games had healing spells in it far before RuneScape ever did.


8. RuneScape does have AoE spells/skills/attacks, did you know this?

In my 4 years playing RS2 I've never seen any of these. They clearly aren't common and as such they probably aren't that great. In other games I've played with AoE, it is awesome and make the gameplay much more exciting as it allows for tanks for example large warriors to strike the ground and get a bunch of enemies/monsters to attack them, while the party heals him and works together to kill the opponents.


9. What is wrong with an individual-focused MMORPG?

What is the point of even having a guild or a party? That's half of the fun in playing an MMORPG is being able to connect with other players to team up and do quests together, go on for example dungeon raids. Sure you might have to have "teamwork" by requiring multiple users be in the same area to keep clicking their mice or smashing their binds in random orders, but in other games it really makes a big difference which order you strike your binds and you really get to know your skills so well you dream about them. I don't see this ever being true to RuneScape.


10. The wilderness is back, but PVP still sucks?

Yes, I agree with you. PVP still does suck in RuneScape and probably will forever. If you want PVP, go elsewhere than RS.


11. Servers cap out at 2,000 players because otherwise it would be cluttered, right?

That's not the actual reason, although I'll give you some points for at least trying. The true reason is because Java servers really suck, they just do. Having 8,000 simultaneous connections on a Java-based game, lol good luck. Their entire server is probably Java based too, I'm placing all my bets on it. If that's the case, which I'm sure it is... Jagex needs to just stop.


12. The music was revamped, did you know this?

No, I didn't know this. I did play through the tutorial though and afterwards for some reason I had a headache (these are rare for me). I do realize I could disable the music or at least decrease the volume, but when other games set my expectations much higher, I can't help but to just hate on RuneScape a little. It was an amazing game. How would you feel if the developers of pacman came back and tried to add a bunch of different music and sound effects? Alright, sure... but if they had to revamp all their music, something was probably wrong. Then again though, we're talking about Jagex, they do try to put bandages on perfectly fine skin.


13. Mounts just aren't part of RuneScape, did you know this?

Yes, that's probably why I've never seen them. I think I could picture a RuneScape character on a horse that moves at 130% speed at least. It'd be like a nice agility boost and there is a lot that Jagex could do with mounts. You could take the horse to a horse race track, groom it and develop a relationship with the horse. I know these are all just random ideas I'm tossing out and they aren't perfect, but the point is that I could see mounts in RuneScape, at least in some areas.


14. Did you know that Jagex made lodestones?

I used that to teleport to Lumbridge after getting through the boring and rushed tutorial. I quit on the first quest, because I could already tell it was going to suck and I didn't have any really high expectations to begin with, but the game made me feel like a kid. I felt like I was playing NeoPets, seriously. I agree with you about it allowing you to pretty much teleport everywhere. It's probably so you don't have to look at any of the crap scenery that Jagex quickly smashed together.


15. Did you know you can turn off the yellow dots for quests?

It should be a feature or there should be an "assistance" check-box that literally baby steps you through the game as it does by default.


16. Holiday rares being able to be traded were a mistake made by Jagex, did you know this?

Yep, I sure did and I don't fully understand how you think everyone that has one now worked for it. I know some friends that have "hacked" accounts in the past and ended up walking away with party hats, santas and so on. I'm a programmer and like to research security, I have some good and bad friends.


17. Did you know the censor is off now?

I don't think it is, I couldn't make my name xxXanaXxx, because it has a bad word in it. I don't understand what the word is.


18. Did you know that while you play RuneScape, you can watch YouTube videos and do homework while training?

That's called distracting yourself and has already been linked to serious mental problems. I assure you that what you think is actually multitasking is really just a bunch of distractions. If you want me to, I'll link to you the scientific studies/articles, just ask.


19. I haven't played other MMORPG, but I don't think that Jagex sucks, why is this?

I think you kind of answered this yourself, perhaps you just haven't tried another game. I suggest trying at least one or two of the free games that I listed in my video.


Ignore any errors, I'm really sleepy right now. ^_^

Edited by NoSouls
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14. Did you know that Jagex made lodestones?

I used that to teleport to Lumbridge after getting through the boring and rushed tutorial. I quit on the first quest, because I could already tell it was going to suck and


19. I haven't played other MMORPG, but I don't think that Jagex sucks, why is this?

I think you kind of answered this yourself, perhaps you just haven't tried another game. I suggest trying at least one or two of the free games that I listed in my video.

"When I tried out Runescape I didn't play it much since I knew it was going to suck"


"I suggest you fully try out other games before you comment on them"

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14. Did you know that Jagex made lodestones?

I used that to teleport to Lumbridge after getting through the boring and rushed tutorial. I quit on the first quest, because I could already tell it was going to suck and


19. I haven't played other MMORPG, but I don't think that Jagex sucks, why is this?

I think you kind of answered this yourself, perhaps you just haven't tried another game. I suggest trying at least one or two of the free games that I listed in my video.

"When I tried out Runescape I didn't play it much since I knew it was going to suck"


"I suggest you fully try out other games before you comment on them"


You're twisting words there buddy boy, I can do that too. I said that I was giving it a try and I was starting the first quest, when I realized that the game just couldn't capture my interest. I'm saying to try other games, at least one or two before trying to hail RuneScape. I didn't come here to start a me vs. RuneScape fanboy war, that would clearly be unfair. I came here to unravel some RuneScape fanboy comments on what aspects of the game you agree suck, so that I could make another video perhaps with more and better points. This isn't to piss you or anyone else off here, this is to send a message to Jagex. They need one, because they're milking the game that was good and now I really don't think they've made it "better" even though they added content. There is a difference between quality and content. You have to get it just right. :D

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I wasn't really asking questions, more responding to you.


3. Yep, just as I said originally I agree with you, the graphics on Runescape are worse than the others you listed. I just noted it was an unfair comparison. No need to type that big paragraph.


7. Okay, so they are copied, so what. Most modern games copied parts of World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft copied parts of Maple Story and Runescape, and everybody copied Tolkien. Everybody copies everybody.


8. Honestly unless you played Runescape before Ancient Magics (came out in 2005) I find it unlikely you completely missed this. I first got members in late 2005, and as early as then people were barraging and bursting all over Castle Wars and the Wilderness. But yeah they aren't as common as they are in other games, probably not as good.


9. Some of the newer bosses that I was alluding to are more like these other games than killing the KBD, for instance (I'm assuming you are semi-familiar with killing the KBD from your original stint). It requires some teamwork and coordination, not just a bunch of people clicking at the same time. Again, I've never played those other games so I can't tell you. Anyways, I don't like having other people accountable for my success on the internet, where if they fail to do something I need them to do I can't do much about it. This is one of the appeals of Runescape to me.


11. I'm not "trying" to defend anything, trust me I have been around a long time too and I'm upset with many of the updates. I could spend more time talking about that. Anyways, maybe it's true that Java can't hold more than 2000 people, but either way, you wouldn't want more than 2000 people in a world. At least it is that way on a freeplay server, imagine competing for resources with 10 other people.


12. I think most of the tutorial music was revamped, so if you didn't like that you probably won't like the music in general. I find it fine, but I rarely listen to it anyway.


16. The majority of people have worked for them because almost all of the people who originally obtained them (for free) do not play anymore. I can only think of one person I know who originally got them and still has them, but so long as he doesn't sell them it only gives him a cosmetic advantage. With regards to your friends who hacked for rares, they are breaking the game rules, so obviously it isn't fair that they are getting them lol.


17. The turning off censor thing is optional, so if it is something everybody can see (like a name) it will still be censored. Speech is not censored unless you have the censor on. I am not sure what was wrong with your name, that is odd.


18. I'm not going to get into mental health problems, that is out of my league, but the point I was driving at is that many prefer the laid-back atmosphere.


19. I guess I would try different games if I were 14 again, but at this point in my life I don't want to feel attached to another game. I guess I'm not really a "gamer" at heart, the main reason I'm still staying around is for nostalgia and friends.


Anyways, you make a lot of good points. I don't agree with your perspective on all of them, but I still think you are sane :P


~~~Shooter585, who is definitely not a runescape fanboy. I have not logged in for almost a month.

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Well the problem is that you really need to play the game for a considerable amount of time before you can pick out the problems. Sure there might be some obvious ones but you can't pass judgement on it by playing one quest. I found some aspects of the new Runescape odd to handle at first, but once I played for two hours I got it down. Simiarly, I'm sure I would have similar issues with other similar games. Anyway, I'm not sure what you have against copying. Like shooter said, everybody copies off everybody.


You say you don't want to start a Runescaper vs. you war, but it looks like you did. You titled your topic "Why Runescape Sucks" not "What I have against Runescape" or "What I think the game needs to improve." In other words, you made it look like you thought the game sucked not in your opinion but in everybody's and that all of us who were playing are delusional. You made it look like we've spent time playing / having fun on something that sucks. I'm sure you can understand how some people would feel personally offended by it. You picked a provocative title and you should expect provocative replies.


Definitely would not consider myself a Runescape fanboy either.

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Well the problem is that you really need to play the game for a considerable amount of time before you can pick out the problems. Sure there might be some obvious ones but you can't pass judgement on it by playing one quest. I found some aspects of the new Runescape odd to handle at first, but once I played for two hours I got it down. Simiarly, I'm sure I would have similar issues with other similar games. Anyway, I'm not sure what you have against copying. Like shooter said, everybody copies off everybody.


You say you don't want to start a Runescaper vs. you war, but it looks like you did. You titled your topic "Why Runescape Sucks" not "What I have against Runescape" or "What I think the game needs to improve." In other words, you made it look like you thought the game sucked not in your opinion but in everybody's and that all of us who were playing are delusional. You made it look like we've spent time playing / having fun on something that sucks. I'm sure you can understand how some people would feel personally offended by it. You picked a provocative title and you should expect provocative replies.


Definitely would not consider myself a Runescape fanboy either.


If you weren't a fanboy you wouldn't be offended by it nor would you picture other people being offended by "RuneScape Sucks", it isn't like I made a thread titled "Christianity Sucks", is RuneScape a religion or something? I wasn't informed, lol.


I tried out RS again for the nostalgia effect and would have walked away calm and content had I arrived back to the good ol' RuneScape, the problem I have with Jagex copying is they could have at least tried. It looks like they obviously and horribly copied other games. I hope they weren't trying, honestly. If they were, I predict the demise of RuneScape in the next 5 years.


I'm an old RS gamers and when I said "RuneScape" and you don't know whether to think RS1 (Classic), RS2 (Old School), RS3 (LOLWHAT?)... you already have a problem. Why did they have to so many times basically scratch the project and start it over? What were they trying to accomplish? When will they learn that Java isn't that great of a language to make a large MMORPG? Rather than complaining about how I suck, can't we just agree that some of RuneScape's features suck and just admit it? Why deny that parts of RuneScape sucks? I think RuneScape sucks because they broke what was good with it and Jagex has made some massive mistakes. I don't think they deserve to have even a "good" rating. Jagex has turned corporate and is clearly in it for the $$. Do you really mean to tell me they just decided to go out and give HTML5 a try to allow game support without requiring Java? They have the right idea, but HTML5 ain't much better for a large MMORPG.


I wasn't really asking questions, more responding to you.


3. Yep, just as I said originally I agree with you, the graphics on Runescape are worse than the others you listed. I just noted it was an unfair comparison. No need to type that big paragraph.


7. Okay, so they are copied, so what. Most modern games copied parts of World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft copied parts of Maple Story and Runescape, and everybody copied Tolkien. Everybody copies everybody.


8. Honestly unless you played Runescape before Ancient Magics (came out in 2005) I find it unlikely you completely missed this. I first got members in late 2005, and as early as then people were barraging and bursting all over Castle Wars and the Wilderness. But yeah they aren't as common as they are in other games, probably not as good.


9. Some of the newer bosses that I was alluding to are more like these other games than killing the KBD, for instance (I'm assuming you are semi-familiar with killing the KBD from your original stint). It requires some teamwork and coordination, not just a bunch of people clicking at the same time. Again, I've never played those other games so I can't tell you. Anyways, I don't like having other people accountable for my success on the internet, where if they fail to do something I need them to do I can't do much about it. This is one of the appeals of Runescape to me.


11. I'm not "trying" to defend anything, trust me I have been around a long time too and I'm upset with many of the updates. I could spend more time talking about that. Anyways, maybe it's true that Java can't hold more than 2000 people, but either way, you wouldn't want more than 2000 people in a world. At least it is that way on a freeplay server, imagine competing for resources with 10 other people.


12. I think most of the tutorial music was revamped, so if you didn't like that you probably won't like the music in general. I find it fine, but I rarely listen to it anyway.


16. The majority of people have worked for them because almost all of the people who originally obtained them (for free) do not play anymore. I can only think of one person I know who originally got them and still has them, but so long as he doesn't sell them it only gives him a cosmetic advantage. With regards to your friends who hacked for rares, they are breaking the game rules, so obviously it isn't fair that they are getting them lol.


17. The turning off censor thing is optional, so if it is something everybody can see (like a name) it will still be censored. Speech is not censored unless you have the censor on. I am not sure what was wrong with your name, that is odd.


18. I'm not going to get into mental health problems, that is out of my league, but the point I was driving at is that many prefer the laid-back atmosphere.


19. I guess I would try different games if I were 14 again, but at this point in my life I don't want to feel attached to another game. I guess I'm not really a "gamer" at heart, the main reason I'm still staying around is for nostalgia and friends.


Anyways, you make a lot of good points. I don't agree with your perspective on all of them, but I still think you are sane :P


~~~Shooter585, who is definitely not a runescape fanboy. I have not logged in for almost a month.


Just to give you what I believe to be for the reason Jagex is going for HTML5 is because I think they need to pay licenses/fees to use Java for their game (don't quote me). If they switch to HTML5, they'll keep more of their money. Which isn't entirely a bad thing, but when supposedly the game is running much stabler on Java and they're going to force the game to be switched over to HTML5 to save that license money, I question Jagex and their company values. I liked the good old game that I used to play. Even "old school" won't cut it. The problem is Jagex, not so much RuneScape. RuneScape is a project of Jagex though. ;) hence why "Why RuneScape Sucks"... so, can we come up with more reasons RuneScape sucks? I'll put it in my next video and give credit to anyone that would like credit.

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Nobody here is denying that there are problems with Runescape, or in your words, that parts of it suck. We just think some of the ones you pointed out were unfair. I could point out a lot of other flaws that you didn't mention, if you'd like.


I don't think Sobend was really offended, but your title is provocative. Again, nobody wants to hear that they've spent hours on something that sucks. If fanboy means blind faith, then both of us are far from fanboys because we both regularly criticize Runescape (much more than we praise it).


You're twisting words there buddy boy, I can do that too.

I don't think he really was twisting your words. You play for about an hour and then tell us we must try other games "fully" (presumably more than an hour) before we can say why we don't think Runescape sucks.


If you were wondering, RS2-RS3 was more of a gradual change than anything. Probably the 3 was for marketing. Runescape 3 wasn't Runescape 2 ripped up to shreds.

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I'm not sure why I'm still arguing this, but the reason why people are acting so provocatively is not because they are fanboys but because you basically called Runescape a horrible game. Would you like it if I said your video sucked?

If you weren't a fanboy you wouldn't be offended by it nor would you picture other people being offended by "RuneScape Sucks", it isn't like I made a thread titled "Christianity Sucks", is RuneScape a religion or something? I wasn't informed, lol.

Yeah this pretty much speaks for itself. Just because I defend something doesn't mean it's as sacred as a religion to me...


I'm an old RS gamers and when I said "RuneScape" and you don't know whether to think RS1 (Classic), RS2 (Old School), RS3 (LOLWHAT?)... you already have a problem. Why did they have to so many times basically scratch the project and start it over? What were they trying to accomplish? When will they learn that Java isn't that great of a language to make a large MMORPG? Rather than complaining about how I suck, can't we just agree that some of RuneScape's features suck and just admit it? Why deny that parts of RuneScape sucks? I think RuneScape sucks because they broke what was good with it and Jagex has made some massive mistakes. I don't think they deserve to have even a "good" rating. Jagex has turned corporate and is clearly in it for the $$. Do you really mean to tell me they just decided to go out and give HTML5 a try to allow game support without requiring Java? They have the right idea, but HTML5 ain't much better for a large MMORPG.

Plenty of games keep older versions out. Are we criticizing mario for having 100 different versions? No, I'm not sure why we have to criticize Runescape. I'm also not complaining how you suck; I apologize if I said something like that but I'm 99% sure I did not. I agree that Runescape could use improvement, but saying the game mostly "sucks" is not how I would describe it. A lot of the recent changes to Runescape have been to modernize.


Not sure what you're trying to say with the HTML5 thing; at first you say they need to get off Java and now you're saying they're only getting of Java to improve profits (which I'm not sure is true to begin with). HTML5 has other benefits such as the possiblity of being able to play on mobile devices and *shock* better graphics.


Please stop calling me a fanboy. I really only play for this site. I am a Sal's Realm fanboy, not a Runescape one. Besides, speak for yourself but I consider myself a man, not a boy of any kind.

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Nobody here is denying that there are problems with Runescape, or in your words, that parts of it suck. We just think some of the ones you pointed out were unfair. I could point out a lot of other flaws that you didn't mention, if you'd like.


I don't think Sobend was really offended, but your title is provocative. Again, nobody wants to hear that they've spent hours on something that sucks. If fanboy means blind faith, then both of us are far from fanboys because we both regularly criticize Runescape (much more than we praise it).


You're twisting words there buddy boy, I can do that too.

I don't think he really was twisting your words. You play for about an hour and then tell us we must try other games "fully" (presumably more than an hour) before we can say why we don't think Runescape sucks.


If you were wondering, RS2-RS3 was more of a gradual change than anything. Probably the 3 was for marketing. Runescape 3 wasn't Runescape 2 ripped up to shreds.


Alright, I just didn't understand why they have the whole 07 thing and the RS3 thing. Did levels transfer? I wasn't on RS for a while, so I'm kind of drawing a blank. I played RS when I thought it was good. I think Jagex flattened the tires on the cool RuneScape bus. Also, I never said anything about "fully" trying out one of the games I listed. That is specifically a word that he twisted. Path of Exile is a great game by the way and is somewhat new. It feels quite a bit like Diablo, but that's just the game type. RuneScape is a very weird copy between the classic MMORPG games and the new ones and that is kind of why I don't like it. Pick one or the other is my take on it. If they're going to try to be modern, pick a real language to develop a game in like a C language. If you would like to correct my video or make me a list of reasons why RuneScape currently sucks, I would love it even if they were just some quick and simple words in a list. Just to point me in a direction. I was making this video based on what I seen while my friend played RS3 and what I observed from playing it for about an hour.


I'm not sure why I'm still arguing this, but the reason why people are acting so provocatively is not because they are fanboys but because you basically called Runescape a horrible game. Would you like it if I said your video sucked?

If you weren't a fanboy you wouldn't be offended by it nor would you picture other people being offended by "RuneScape Sucks", it isn't like I made a thread titled "Christianity Sucks", is RuneScape a religion or something? I wasn't informed, lol.

Yeah this pretty much speaks for itself. Just because I defend something doesn't mean it's as sacred as a religion to me...


I'm an old RS gamers and when I said "RuneScape" and you don't know whether to think RS1 (Classic), RS2 (Old School), RS3 (LOLWHAT?)... you already have a problem. Why did they have to so many times basically scratch the project and start it over? What were they trying to accomplish? When will they learn that Java isn't that great of a language to make a large MMORPG? Rather than complaining about how I suck, can't we just agree that some of RuneScape's features suck and just admit it? Why deny that parts of RuneScape sucks? I think RuneScape sucks because they broke what was good with it and Jagex has made some massive mistakes. I don't think they deserve to have even a "good" rating. Jagex has turned corporate and is clearly in it for the $$. Do you really mean to tell me they just decided to go out and give HTML5 a try to allow game support without requiring Java? They have the right idea, but HTML5 ain't much better for a large MMORPG.

Plenty of games keep older versions out. Are we criticizing mario for having 100 different versions? No, I'm not sure why we have to criticize Runescape. I'm also not complaining how you suck; I apologize if I said something like that but I'm 99% sure I did not. I agree that Runescape could use improvement, but saying the game mostly "sucks" is not how I would describe it. A lot of the recent changes to Runescape have been to modernize.


Not sure what you're trying to say with the HTML5 thing; at first you say they need to get off Java and now you're saying they're only getting of Java to improve profits (which I'm not sure is true to begin with). HTML5 has other benefits such as the possiblity of being able to play on mobile devices and *shock* better graphics.


Please stop calling me a fanboy. I really only play for this site. I am a Sal's Realm fanboy, not a Runescape one. Besides, speak for yourself but I consider myself a man, not a boy of any kind.


Alright, them you're a salm fanman, it sounds cooler anyways lol. I honestly would have no hurt feelings if someone said my video sucked so long as they provided reasonable evidence as to why it sucks. I also wouldn't mind if you told me that a game I've played for a long time sucks either. I used to love RS with all my heart. It's not easy to say that it sucks, I say this because I truly feel like Jagex is going the wrong way. Let me see here...


Jagex: Java Gaming Experts


They're switching to HTML5, are they going to rename their business H5agex (this sounds bad H-Ph[F]---...)? The company makes bank, they could afford to appropriately staff and run things and they simply choose not to. They make radical decisions that directly impact the game and in the past killed the joy I had in the game along with many of my friends. I didn't think you were saying that I suck, I was just saying that I would prefer we keep this topic about the thread title and less about me. :cool:


When you say *shock* better graphics, we are talking about HTML5. This is probably as advanced as the graphics will ever be for an HTML5 game:




I will also say that I used to remember tens of TeamSpeak servers up and running for RuneScape globally. The game has been majorly forsaken. I don't think Jagex is going to magically resurrect the massive player base they once had before making all the radical changes without appropriately polling the regular users. ;)


If you have a Microsoft Surface tablet, you can run Java apps just fine, here is a video of that:




I understand plenty of games keep older versions out, but the weird part about RuneScape is when something new comes out they call their newest thing "RuneScape", when Super Mario Bros comes out with for example Super Mario Smash Bros, everyone doesn't call that Super Mario Bros, that would be confusing. I think you weren't understanding my point and now you maybe should. If someone says they're going to go play RuneScape, now you have to ask "Which one?", lol.


Is it really not obvious to you that they're doing the HTML5 switch for the money? Think about Jagex for a second.

Ads at the top of every free world browser/client. Free accounts are basically pointless and boring enough to quit after you finish the quests unless you of course upgrade to members. Also, it is cheap. They want everyone to be able to afford their crap. I know "You get what you pay for." doesn't apply to everything, but I think it does for RuneScape. Do you really think that it costs $5/mo for Jagex/RuneScape to keep up and running? Let me see. Let's say that one of their servers costs about $300/month to run and they have 2,000 players in one member world. $10,000 and that covers 33 separate members servers. The rest is profit, I promise you that Jagex is making hella cash for what they put out. Their last public $$$ I'm able to pull up is from 2011 is $73,944,091 a year and they don't staff much more than 500 people, I don't believe. Let's say they pay 500 people an average of about $60,000 a year.


73,944,091 - 30,000,000 = $43,944,091

Let's say they have 60 servers at $300/mo, which I know they're probably paying for cheaper servers. That's going to cost them a "huge" $216,000 from their $43,944,091, oh nooooo look at how much money they lost. Now they have $43,728,091... that can't possibly be enough to spend on something good, right? Think what you want though... ;)


I know there is more yet they spend money on, but seriously... with 43 million dollars, take off some other fees (building, heat, etc) and stuff. I'm pretty sure they have plenty of cash to spend money on real updates. Maybe it is just me, but I think the RS2 to RS3 updates were useless and overdone. It really looks to me like they were trying too hard. :P

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Well the HTML5 version of the game is hardly playable at this point anyway, not really worth debating. The graphics are better than Java though. Presumably at one point the HTML5 version will be playable. And MTV hasn't changed its name even though it never plays music :P


It is still called "Runescape" for name recognition, but if it pleases you next to "Runescape" on the main page there is a big "3"

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Well the HTML5 version of the game is hardly playable at this point anyway, not really worth debating. The graphics are better than Java though. Presumably at one point the HTML5 version will be playable. And MTV hasn't changed its name even though it never plays music :P


It is still called "Runescape" for name recognition, but if it pleases you next to "Runescape" on the main page there is a big "3"


There's a difference between an online game version and a TV show. We're also talking about something Viacom owned, they couldn't change their name if they wanted to. They're pretty much slaves to the big TV MONSTERS. I would hope Jagex isn't as corporate as Viacom. I understand they do it for the name recognition, but with it being a web-browser-embedded game, it is just so awkward to call it "RuneScape", because RuneScape has been so changed up and tossed around. Jagex has made some pretty stupid business decisions in my opinion. I think they should have apologized for taking the PVP aspect of the game away. It was fine how it was. Also, read above about how much money Jagex has according to public records as of 2011. ;)


I honestly think that RS Classic resembles nothing of what RS2 is, they went from origami paper pieces to actual graphics in that update. That was a well done update. Now they're just trying too hard though... seriously. Java sucks for what they're doing and I've told Jagex this for years, now they're going for HTML5 which isn't much better. When they pull out real game development books and sit down as a team of professional developers and do some hard work to make a good game like WoW, that is when I will respect them. RuneScape is a great game for a 10 year old, but if you're 14+ I recommend playing a real game until they make a real game. I think their market is really simplistic MMORPG. Playing RuneScape is so easy to me that it is boring. To some people that might be fun, but those are probably people that can't take a challenge or have just never experienced a real MMORPG that has true 3D graphics that wrap you into the game. I like it when I move my mouse, the entire camera rotates perfectly. In RuneScape, that's also something you don't have. :lol:


Right away, they don't even know what the hell they're talking about. Just listen to their voices.


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Honestly, I don't get the OP video either. Runescape isn't those other games, it is its own game. To me, I think the graphics look cool. I will say that the graphics of the other games do look better though. I have played games with better graphics, which ate up my RAM more than anything. I tried WoW a while back, and LoL, and some others I can't think of off the top of my head. Granted I might not have the best computer, but it is decent.


Alot of the features listed in the video, either has no point in Runescape, or has already been implemented.


It doesn't matter what the game is made with. It is still a good, or what you might call decent at best, game, with a fair amount of players. I'll give you that it doesn't have as many players as other games, but Runescape is it's own game, with it's own storylines, unlike the games, which according to you, copy off each other and are identical, from graphics, to the button controls.


P.S. :welcome:

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Honestly, I don't get the OP video either. Runescape isn't those other games, it is its own game. To me, I think the graphics look cool. I will say that the graphics of the other games do look better though. I have played games with better graphics, which ate up my RAM more than anything. I tried WoW a while back, and LoL, and some others I can't think of off the top of my head. Granted I might not have the best computer, but it is decent.


Alot of the features listed in the video, either has no point in Runescape, or has already been implemented.


It doesn't matter what the game is made with. It is still a good, or what you might call decent at best, game, with a fair amount of players. I'll give you that it doesn't have as many players as other games, but Runescape is it's own game, with it's own storylines, unlike the games, which according to you, copy off each other and are identical, from graphics, to the button controls.


P.S. :welcome:


Thanks for welcoming me to Sal's, but RuneScape sucks and there are reasons. You can be optimistic and only look at why RuneScape is good and say that RuneScape is its own kind of game, but it is a tile-based MMORPG that was developed with a notepad, pencil and all while a guy was sitting on a toilet for an extended period of time.


P.S. http://forum.tip.it/...w-rs-sucks-now/


Long live SwagCake and I don't even know that guy... and just to clarify RuneScape is indeed within the genre of MMORPG.


RuneScape is a fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in January 2001 by Andrew and Paul Gower, and developed and published by Jagex Games Studio.


And for the old time members, you'll recognize the name Andrew Gower, maybe not so much Paul Gower... but definitely Andrew. He was probably the only good thing about RuneScape and if you haven't noticed he is long gone from Jagex. He was actually quite a bright individual and has great ideas. I'm glad that he made RuneScape and I liked it back when he made it what it was. Jagex took his idea and has mangled it. It looks like a bloody kitten with knives stabbed into the side now. RuneScape is trash and it is ENTIRELY because Andrew Gower is gone and Jagex wants to keep making money off of what Mr. Gower made and ultimately ended up giving to them (for money of course).



probably had enough of runescape and wanted to focus on other projects, made enough money from it and given that its a browser based game it probably didn't have a steady future in the long run


he's got a new project coming called Fen Research - hes posted tweets and updates, so far.

- http://forums.zybez....er-leave-jagex/


You can see Andrew Gower's Twitter here: https://twitter.com/AndrewCGower


Also, see... this is the type of crap that goes on in Jagex headquarters and this is why we can't have good things in this world:




So, what did you learn today? Jagex screws around in their HQ and eats pie. Okay, so that explains why RuneScape sucks.


I would also like to add on to the fact that after doing some additional research unfortunately it turns out the Mr. Gower himself isn't all that great a guy. He founded Jagex also, not just RuneScape. Then he decided to just drop the thing. He was the blood and guts of RuneScape. He wrote it with his brother (I believe). Well anyways, since then he ran off from Jagex.




This gives you a small idea of who Andrew is. He to me sounds like a pretty interesting character, but I think that him leaving Jagex contributed to what I'm going to call the downfall of RuneScape. Maybe Gower can prove himself back to me with his new release if it is successful. I'm hoping so! :cool:


Also just to let you all know how sh!t Jagex is, they've removed Andrew Gower from the RuneScape credits. He totally made that game with his bro for them. You can't strip him out, that's a cold move. What ice queens...


If you actually care to TRULY know why RuneScape sucks, I strongly believe that if you can understand why Andrew Gower left Jagex, you will know: http://forums.zybez....er-leave-jagex/

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You seem to only have made an account to bash the one thing this website is centered around. There's a huge difference between logically and calmly making an argument and quite another thing to verbally attack others, using dismissive or even straight-out offensive language towards those who have an opposing view or whom you imagine are slighting you in some way, and displaying a spectacular use of logical fallacies.


I invite you to consider which approach you took.

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You seem to only have made an account to bash the one thing this website is centered around. There's a huge difference between logically and calmly making an argument and quite another thing to verbally attack others, using dismissive or even straight-out offensive language towards those who have an opposing view or whom you imagine are slighting you in some way, and displaying a spectacular use of logical fallacies.


I invite you to consider which approach you took.


I don't have soft skills, I know the right answer and in order to connect with you and make you understand I would have to connect with you emotionally. I'm not a girl. ;)


I invite you to take a sip:



Now you can yield for just a second of your time and actually look at the case I presented (trying to be unbiased and realize that RuneScape lacks in several areas... the game is dated and they're dragging the life of it out with mediocre patches), which in my opinion is a fair one or you can just dismiss it (ignore) and as I earlier mentioned in the topic NOT TO turn this thread into an "about me" thread. If for some reason you can't handle that though, I'll give you a quick bio so you can know what to expect of me:

I'm a dickhead that doesn't settle for ignorance. I have little respect for people that can't handle an online discussion getting a little heated. Some forum topics get hot, deal with it. I'm not sitting here calling people names* or questioning their mental abilities as much as I sure would like to. I've played RS (2) for approx. 4-5 years in the earlier days. That was back before RuneScape (Jagex to be exact) wrecked the PK system. I'm a rather straightforward individual that loves to research topics pertaining to technology, security and all sorts of sciences. If you don't understand me, ask me a question and I'll be more than happy to dumb things down. :D


I love how you tried to creatively impose that if you're not calm, you must not be a logical person. I know a lot of logical people that are very stressed and often not calm. I question your logos, sir. I also know for a fact that you're hypocritical, because you in no way attempted to be constructive in your judgment upon me, but in quite a cocky demeanor asserted that I'm not calm, so I am not logical.


You have contradicted yourself and as such, I won't be wasting time with any of your future responses. I encourage you however to involve yourself in this thread if you feel like contributing to a list of things that suck about RuneScape. This is my thread and as such, I can title it and do my best to direct it. I choose of this thread to be a "Why RuneScape Sucks" thread. If you would like to oppose my views, that's fine. There's no need to target me. I've tried my best to carry out research and provide it appropriately. I'm not the best writer in the world and I'm also not the kindest person, but you aren't exactly either. ;)


We will just have to learn to deal with each other. If you don't like me nor my thread, you don't have to visit it.


*name --- fanboy doesn't count, name calling must be offensive/insulting. Name-calling is generally abusive. If someone is demonstrating characteristics and blindly defending a game, it is safe to consider them a fanboy. I could explain why Pokemon cards are a waste of time for example and if someone says that they're important and they would pack them in an emergency backpack, it is fair to assume they're a Pokemon fanboy.


If you think that I'm not calm when I type long responses, you're quite wrong. I enjoy typing, I type around 100-110 WPM on average and have no problem pouring out my thoughts into a thread. I'll be fairly blunt and I'll defend my position that "RuneScape Sucks", because that is what my thread is about and if people are going to rebuttal it by saying "Well, RuneScape doesn't suck it just doesn't have... anything that every good MMORPG has.", I'm going to laugh and be like wtf bro?? :P problem?

Edited by NoSouls
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