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Posted (edited)

These images speak for themselves:

Picking a Runescape screen shot from 2008 isn't going to help your cause.




The WoW screenshot he chose was from an area that hasn't been changed since 2007. How is that not helping his cause?

So comparing graphics from 6/7 years helps him?

His point was that the picture from 2007 is what is currently in WoW and it still looks better than current Runescape does.


Wrong, that WoW photo wasn't dated (to make matters worse that photo is probably from even earlier than 2007, so your case or his is invalid). I just searched up "RuneScape High Quality" and posted them next to each other with what I thought to be fair. Go ahead, show me your version of a side by side that is "fairer".


I don't quite understand your thoughts. You hate Runescape because it's dated, and you hate Runescape because of how much it's changed? Yeah, nah mate.

Unreal Tournament avatar with a Christmas hat? What in the world? Okay, well anyways... I hate RuneScape because it is dated, but they keep "touching" it up. It's not so much of an "and", it is because of what they're doing with what RuneScape was. It has been previously discussed on this thread that more players used to be filling up worlds, I noticed that too. They're killing themselves off and as such should just rest peacefully. RuneScape was a fad, but now I feel that it is either for little kids (NO SWEARING... but you can cut people up with swords and shoot at them, makes sense Jagex) or that nostalgia feeling, but if you're coming back to RuneScape from some years ago, expect to hate it just like I do.


The new interface that came along with EoC and RS3 is one of the clunkiest and least user friendly interfaces I've ever used.

This seems to be a common complaint with any interface changes for anything. :P

I didn't really mind any of the interface updates when I was playing because they functioned well and everything was laid out relatively intuitively. How on earth am I supposed to check my quest log on the go now? Why does it feel like I have markedly less screen space? Why do panes open in places I don't want them to when I press buttons that I can't make go away?? I like to think I'm reasonably intelligent and I can pick up on most game interfaces, but RS's current setup is just strange


EDIT: I forgot to mention how slow it is too

After a day I figured out how to change it around to make all those issues go away.


Just sayin :>


I like how you said after a day and not after 20 minutes. ;)

In most MMORPG games it takes me only a couple minutes to figure out everything (GUI/Config-Wise) and get comfortable with it... except of course RuneScape. I can do a blind test and show you a video if you guys don't believe me. I don't understand how we can't just admit that RuneScape is like a shoe without laces now. It had laces, but they got lost somewhere along the way of turning Jagex into a corporate money mongering studio just about the time when the original founder of RuneScape took off from the company. :wub: No hate, just love lol.

Edited by NoSouls
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RuneScape was a fad, but now I feel that it is either for little kids (NO SWEARING...


When did you last play Runescape? Because in 2011 Jagex introduced the option to disable the profanity filter, allowing you to swear your hearts content (as long as it wasn't directed at someone else ofc). You've got no idea what you're talking about dude, it's like you logged in for 5 minutes after quitting for years and saw that it was a completely new game, which you hated.

Posted (edited)

Okay, so since apparently some people have complained about the date of the WoW photo, here you go. A 2004 WoW photo vs a 2007/2008 RuneScape photo.





inb4 RESOLUTION WoW low, idc. Wow in 2004 obviously beats RS. If any of you played WoW, you would agree. Unfortunately 99% of you probably have NOT. ^_^


RuneScape was a fad, but now I feel that it is either for little kids (NO SWEARING...


When did you last play Runescape? Because in 2011 Jagex introduced the option to disable the profanity filter, allowing you to swear your hearts content (as long as it wasn't directed at someone else ofc). You've got no idea what you're talking about dude, it's like you logged in for 5 minutes after quitting for years and saw that it was a completely new game, which you hated.


I was probably in about 5th grade. I graduated at age 18 in 12th ofc. I would've probably been 11 or 12 and RuneScape would've been 2005 or 2006. Since that time they've just bundled RS with a bunch of in my opinion garbage skills or I guess a better term would be "filler" skills, just in case you run out of skills to level in your fake life online. :cool:

Edited by NoSouls
Okay, so since apparently some people have complained about the date of the WoW photo, here you go. A 2004 WoW photo vs a 2007/2008 RuneScape photo.


Just stop with this, this is a completely irrelevant and incorrect argument. WoW is around 22GB in size last I checked, and a hefty chunk of that would be textures. No shizzle they'd be much better than Runescape, a game which has incredibly less detailed textures so you can actually play it in a browser. It's not like bad graphics detract from a game or make it any less fun.

Posted (edited)

I think I've said this (maybe not here) but I agree that many updates, especially EOC, were horribly implemented. That's not what I'm arguing; I'm saying some of his more specific points don't have much merit, likely because he hasn't played for more than 10 minutes...


I said WoW wasn't doing hot since they've also lost a lot of subscribers. In fact I think they'velost a higher percentage than Runescape has. Runescape still has 500,000+ subscribers, so if we're looking just at subscription numbers and not lost subscribers we have to say that both games are doing pretty well


These images speak for themselves:

Picking a Runescape screen shot from 2008 isn't going to help your cause.




The WoW screenshot he chose was from an area that hasn't been changed since 2007. How is that not helping his cause?

So comparing graphics from 6/7 years helps him?

His point was that the picture from 2007 is what is currently in WoW and it still looks better than current Runescape does.

I'm not sure why this point was brought up in the first place. No one is denying WoW has better graphics than Runescape. Runescape takes a lot less computer performance, and if you're somebody like me then that's most of what matters. If you're super into graphics then play WoW.

Runescape runs worse than WoW does on ultra on my computer, so it may look like it takes less but the game is horribly optimized. I'm not super into graphics I was just trying to point out what the OP's point in bringing that up may have been.


That's another perfect point. HTML5 and Java aren't intended to as I previously mentioned be utilized to have a full-blown MMORPG game engine running behind either. Hence why you're VERY limited with the graphics and the game on the highest quality mode is going to ride your CPU and RAM to hell without mercy. I can run WoW FREE on a private server with high graphics. RuneScape is better because my computer sucks is no excuse, just sayin', lol. If you can't run WoW, your computer must support floppy diskettes.


Okay, so since apparently some people have complained about the date of the WoW photo, here you go. A 2004 WoW photo vs a 2007/2008 RuneScape photo.


Just stop with this, this is a completely irrelevant and incorrect argument. WoW is around 22GB in size last I checked, and a hefty chunk of that would be textures. No shizzle they'd be much better than Runescape, a game which has incredibly less detailed textures so you can actually play it in a browser. It's not like bad graphics detract from a game or make it any less fun.


No, but what made RuneScape rise (its simplicity) much like Facebook, taking away from that is making it fall. Less players signed in simultaneously and if they're making more money... I'm placing bets that it is because Jagex wasn't invested in to JUST focus on RS, but their other games also. I'm sure we can all relate to the whole "Oh darn, EA games just got their hands on my favorite gaming company." and if not, you're not true gamers... sorry to say.


That's another good point though. Size does matter, price kind of matters too. If they're going to change all around on you with RS3, my personal opinion is that they should have went through the ACTUAL effort of redesigning entirely new cities to make the game so that you don't know where everything is, so it can be more of a new experience. It's sickening to come back to something and recognize everything, but be made nauseous by the interface, unsatisfied with hearing of the sloppy PVP and there's a lot of core features to a decent MMORPG I feel RS is missing.


These images speak for themselves:

Picking a Runescape screen shot from 2008 isn't going to help your cause.




The WoW screenshot he chose was from an area that hasn't been changed since 2007. How is that not helping his cause?




Unless all of you guys here have genuinely tried WoW or any of the other games listed (which I strongly doubt), you can't quite make any comparisons to the Jagex side of things.

Well you haven't genuinely tried Runescape, not sure why we have to work harder than you to make your video good. Also, WoW isn't doing hot either, not sure why we are holding them in some sort of high place.


Again we are not saying Runescape is fine. I had much more of a liking for it before SoF.


I can say that I've genuinely tried Runescape. I've given it many chances since EoC and it just doesn't reel me in like it used to. I'm not sure what world you live in that 7million+ subscribers isn't doing well, when the monthly subscription is more than double the cost of Runescape's subscription and that you need to purchase expansions as well. There's also constant stream of new players in the game, which honestly I haven't seen in Runescape since Old School was released.



I agree with the OP that Jagex has made many mistakes in how they've made changes to their game, and I'll stand by his stance that a lot of their updates are poorly implemented copies of other games. I've got absolutely no problems with them copying aspects of another game, but if if they're going to do it, then they need to do it right. The new interface that came along with EoC and RS3 is one of the clunkiest and least user friendly interfaces I've ever used. There's a lot of other things that I really dislike about the game, but at the moment I don't have the time to type it all out.


I think you pretty much nailed it. This is word-for-word agreed upon by me and I appreciate you being courageous enough to stand up and say that. A lot of these people's (no doubt) are going to be biased in favor of RuneScape, I mean for the sake of flip flops, this is a RuneScape fan forum. ;)

Edited by NoSouls
That's another perfect point. HTML5 and Java aren't intended to as I previously mentioned be utilized to have a full-blown MMORPG game engine running behind either. Hence why you're VERY limited with the graphics and the game on the highest quality mode is going to ride your CPU and RAM to hell without mercy. I can run WoW FREE on a private server with high graphics. RuneScape is better because my computer sucks is no excuse, just sayin', lol. If you can't run WoW, your computer must support floppy diskettes.

I would like to point out that private servers are also not strictly legal.

No, but what made RuneScape rise (its simplicity) much like Facebook, taking away from that is making it fall. Less players signed in simultaneously and if they're making more money... I'm placing bets that it is because Jagex wasn't invested in to JUST focus on RS, but their other games also. I'm sure we can all relate to the whole "Oh darn, EA games just got their hands on my favorite gaming company." and if not, you're not true gamers... sorry to say.

No true Scotsman fallacy. Also the first part of that makes no sense.

I think you pretty much nailed it. This is word-for-word agreed upon by me and I appreciate you being courageous enough to stand up and say that. A lot of these people's (no doubt) are going to be biased in favor of RuneScape, I mean for the sake of flip flops, this is a RuneScape fan forum.

Come on, saying Runescape sucks is not a new thing. Sand Nagger has many times previously mentioned how he think Runescape failed (which is fair enough).

inb4 RESOLUTION WoW low, idc. Wow in 2004 obviously beats RS. If any of you played WoW, you would agree. Unfortunately 99% of you probably have NOT.

A baseless statistic. Also you seem to be ignoring the mass of people saying that they: 1) know that WoW has better graphics and 2) don't care.

That's another good point though. Size does matter, price kind of matters too. If they're going to change all around on you with RS3, my personal opinion is that they should have went through the ACTUAL effort of redesigning entirely new cities to make the game so that you don't know where everything is, so it can be more of a new experience. It's sickening to come back to something and recognize everything, but be made nauseous by the interface, unsatisfied with hearing of the sloppy PVP and there's a lot of core features to a decent MMORPG I feel RS is missing.
Key word: you. You feel there's core features missing. You seem to have come to Runescape and expected World of Warcraft. For that, you're better off actually going to WoW.
Posted (edited)

I agree with the OP that Jagex has made many mistakes in how they've made changes to their game, and I'll stand by his stance that a lot of their updates are poorly implemented copies of other games. I've got absolutely no problems with them copying aspects of another game, but if if they're going to do it, then they need to do it right. The new interface that came along with EoC and RS3 is one of the clunkiest and least user friendly interfaces I've ever used. There's a lot of other things that I really dislike about the game, but at the moment I don't have the time to type it all out.


I think you pretty much nailed it. This is word-for-word agreed upon by me and I appreciate you being courageous enough to stand up and say that. A lot of these people's (no doubt) are going to be biased in favor of RuneScape, I mean for the sake of flip flops, this is a RuneScape fan forum. ;)

Did you read any replies to that or are you just going to once again not look at the other side...?


It doesn't take "courage" to criticize Runescape. I have done it and trust me it wasn't courageous. I could link topics to places where I have criticized the game but that would take too long. But some of your points are either irrelevant or just completely wrong. We're trying to help you make a better video, remember? If people watch it (who play the game) and find half of the points are wrong, they're not going to listen to the other relevant points. If we're not convinced your audience (which is going to be Runescape players) will not be convinced.


You came in asking for advice but you've totally dismissed our ideas, saying they were wrong. Do you want to get back on track or keep fighting this hopeless war.


Edit: Referring to your other post, I am also glad to say that I am not a big or likely "true" gamer. Runescape has been the only game I have played for 10 years. I cannot speak for other game comparisons. However I can tell you which parts in your video are not relevant or have already been implemented into the game.

Edited by Sobend
Posted (edited)

I read the replies, they were all complaints about his valid statements about RuneScape... which isn't an uncommon event in this thread, lol.


Private servers are not legal, because Blizzard wants money for their game (which makes sense), but if you have the game and can't afford membership anymore... you bought the game. I don't think the players in a private server would get in trouble. It would most likely be held against the server host.

Edited by NoSouls

I read the replies, they were all complaints about his valid statements about RuneScape... which isn't an uncommon event in this thread, lol.


Private servers are not legal, because Blizzard wants money for their game (which makes sense), but if you have the game and can't afford membership anymore... you bought the game. I don't think the players in a private server would get in trouble. It would most likely be held against the server host.

And that's not the point. The point is that comparing private servers to Runescape because both are free doesn't work. One is free and legal, the other is free and illegal. Not a fair comparison.


Really though. Are you just going to skip over every bit of criticism that you don't have an answer to? That doesn't really help your argument.

Posted (edited)

I think I've said this (maybe not here) but I agree that many updates, especially EOC, were horribly implemented. That's not what I'm arguing; I'm saying some of his more specific points don't have much merit, likely because he hasn't played for more than 10 minutes...


I said WoW wasn't doing hot since they've also lost a lot of subscribers. In fact I think they'velost a higher percentage than Runescape has. Runescape still has 500,000+ subscribers, so if we're looking just at subscription numbers and not lost subscribers we have to say that both games are doing pretty well

This was a complaint?


Anyway, do you want to get back on topic or keep sitting in your pompous high "true gamer" chair? Never really seen anybody so mean to people trying to improve their video... It obviously needs help considering you've played <10 minutes

Edited by Sobend
Posted (edited)

Told you guys this was good. Not even GCB's threads get this much activity.


It's my wish, to get people thinking (hopefully) and typing :cool:


Really though. Are you just going to skip over every bit of criticism that you don't have an answer to? That doesn't really help your argument.


Give me an ordered list of the "criticism" that you'd like me to answer to and I will do my best. It's not my job though to answer to every single thing posted on this forum. I do have a life, you know? ;)


Anyway, do you want to get back on topic or keep sitting in your pompous high "true gamer" chair? Never really seen anybody so mean to people trying to improve their video... It obviously needs help considering you've played <10 minutes


I've spent longer than 10 minutes playing RS3 and some years back I'm pretty sure I spent around 4 years playing "RS" at the time that I played. Which was before Jagex took out the wilderness and publicly admitted the loss of players. They lost about 6% members and more than 10% free players from that change. It kept declining too.

Edited by NoSouls

Told you guys this was good. Not even GCB's threads get this much activity.


It's my job, to get people thinking (hopefully) and typing :cool:


Really though. Are you just going to skip over every bit of criticism that you don't have an answer to? That doesn't really help your argument.


Give me an ordered list of the "criticism" that you'd like me to answer to and I will do my best. It's not my job though to answer to every single thing posted on this forum. I do have a life, you know? ;)

Criticism of how you argue: http://runescape.salmoneus.net/forums/topic/362058-why-runescape-sucks/page__st__20#entry4127675

Criticism of your arguments: http://runescape.salmoneus.net/forums/topic/362058-why-runescape-sucks/page__st__40#entry4127749

More criticism: http://runescape.salmoneus.net/forums/topic/362058-why-runescape-sucks/page__st__60#entry4127759


And no, I don't have a life, it's true. But hey, at least I don't go on Runescape forums to tell people there why it sucks :)

Posted (edited)

And no, I don't have a life, it's true. But hey, at least I don't go on Runescape forums to tell people there why it sucks :)

keep complaining reepicheep hopefully we'll never have any new members ever again


that sounded harsh but really content is content

Edited by Zooey

And no, I don't have a life, it's true. But hey, at least I don't go on Runescape forums to tell people there why it sucks :)

keep complaining reepicheep hopefully we'll never have any new members ever again


that sounded harsh but really content is content

Technically spam is content too.


And no, I don't have a life, it's true. But hey, at least I don't go on Runescape forums to tell people there why it sucks :)

keep complaining reepicheep hopefully we'll never have any new members ever again


that sounded harsh but really content is content

Technically spam is content too.

Just because a user doesn't agree with your views doesn't mean it's spam..
Posted (edited)

And no, I don't have a life, it's true. But hey, at least I don't go on Runescape forums to tell people there why it sucks :)

keep complaining reepicheep hopefully we'll never have any new members ever again


that sounded harsh but really content is content

Technically spam is content too.

Just because a user doesn't agree with your views doesn't mean it's spam..

That's not my problem here. It's when a user is rude to other users and wilfully ignores anything that might prove his arguments wrong when it's a problem. If I complained every time I disagreed with somebody I'd never have time for anything else.


EDIT: If you want to continue this discussion can we move it to PM? This isn't exactly on topic.

Edited by reepicheep
Posted (edited)

Told you guys this was good. Not even GCB's threads get this much activity.


It's my job, to get people thinking (hopefully) and typing :cool:


Really though. Are you just going to skip over every bit of criticism that you don't have an answer to? That doesn't really help your argument.


Give me an ordered list of the "criticism" that you'd like me to answer to and I will do my best. It's not my job though to answer to every single thing posted on this forum. I do have a life, you know? ;)

Criticism of how you argue: http://runescape.sal...20#entry4127675

Criticism of your arguments: http://runescape.sal...40#entry4127749

More criticism: http://runescape.sal...60#entry4127759


And no, I don't have a life, it's true. But hey, at least I don't go on Runescape forums to tell people there why it sucks :)


That wasn't an ordered list of the criticism, that was a collection of links. At least you tried though and since you have, I'll do my best to "answer" or respond to some of the criticism against me.


1. I'm rude to people that disagree with me without providing sensible reasoning. I think it is just a natural trait that I've been stuck with. I'll debate something for hours, I love debating. I find hot debates more interesting than just back and forth kindness. Sorry that I'm not precious.

2. I see being a dick as a good trait, I heard girls like those. I mean not a dick, but like a man that has a slight bit of dick to him, you know? Ahahhh :laughroll:

3. I've never taken an actual debate class, but far too often have I been in debates where it is 1 (me) vs. 5 for example and it's torturous and really unfair. I'm a very deep thinker and I don't think it is true that the general public is loaded with deep thinkers. Hostility is just part of human nature and it is part of expression. Feel free to throw some words at me, just so long as they're not against the forum "rules". I honestly don't have time to read forum rules, if you seriously read this list of rules to everything you sign up to, too much time. If being rude is against the forum rules, maybe I will be banned some day. I'm just trying to create a serious thread about why RuneScape sucks and I see the title itself to be a little rude, but a ban sounds harsh to me. I'd prefer a warning first.

4. Saying that girls tend to be more emotional than men isn't sexist, it is science. Research it pal.


Popular culture tells us that women and men's brains are just different. It's true that male and female hormones affect brain development differently, and imaging studies have found brain differences in the ways women and men feel pain, make social decisions and cope with stress.


5. Private servers being legal or illegal make no difference when we're talking about being a PLAYER (not a host). The act of using a private server itself is not illegal, it is illegal to host one. I could see one day though in the U.S. where a court case is opened against 500 private server players and all are fined. That definitely would be a U.S. sound legal decision. If you can go out and find a good private server and play on it, enjoy yourself and have fun. As far as I'm concerned, Blizzard made their money from your game purchase and you should not be forced to pay a monthly subscription for updates if you're using a server that doesn't receive those updates. I wasn't talking about going out and starting your own private server, so there is no need to argue this point any longer.


6. I don't understand how you would deny that simplicity is a factor that did indeed make RuneScape fun and keep players on it. They've obfuscated the interface now to the point of where I've just met with about 7 different non-member players that had somewhat high combat levels (high enough I thought they would know), I would've thought they could tell me how to use "defensive" attacks to level my defense skill. None of those 7 players had a clue. Then you have the members (paying players) that tend to be cocky and in the defense of RuneScape as they pay money on it and won't tolerate bashing of something they pay for and spend time on. That's understandable, but when you bash certain parts of a game as a new player (though I played the rearlier RS for 4 years about) and the experienced get heated, shut up and listen. The future of the game is at risk. ;)

If something I type doesn't make sense, then skip over it (idc). I try my best to make sense, but I'm on prescription Xanax and I also am generally sleep deprived as I work, have a girlfriend and still try to make time for IRL friends and family.


7. A baseless statistic mixed with a "probably" is acceptable, it is a figure of speech in that case. I clearly wasn't basing my statistic, so there is no need to bash it. If I give you a statistic and don't cite it and you're wondering, just research it or dismiss it as you wish. I probably get upset 1% of the time when I see someone mix a statistic with the word "probably" for example.


8. The key word is not "you" (me), the key word is "I", which you clearly got that wrong (no offense). So what if I think this and that about RuneScape I'm a returning old time RuneScape player and am disappointed to see where RuneScape is headed. What's wrong with posting up about that? Just because I had higher expectations of RuneScape based on what it used to be doesn't mean that I was looking for WoW in RuneScape. I'm saying that comparatively RuneScape lacks in many areas where SOME other MMORPG games don't (even free ones). It's sad to see RuneScape as a sinking ship, I love(d) this game and more recently I'm beginning to dislike it and just think about how it used to be back in the good old days of RS.


After I posted about how you can pretty much play WoW for free or at least without the subscription by playing in a "private server", you made this reply:


And that's not the point. The point is that comparing private servers to Runescape because both are free doesn't work. One is free and legal, the other is free and illegal. Not a fair comparison.


Really though. Are you just going to skip over every bit of criticism that you don't have an answer to? That doesn't really help your argument.


Now I have not skipped over "every" bit of criticism and you should also realize that playing in a WoW private server is not illegal as of currently, but CREATING or HOSTING one is. ;)


Enjoy your day now.

Edited by NoSouls
Posted (edited)

Random, but have you posted this topic on other Runescape forums and if not why.


No, I have not. I could do so if you would like me to though. I just looked up "RuneScape Forum" as I figured people that play would either have experienced some of what I am, that is of course assuming there are old time RS players around on this forum. I just randomly chose one, this one.


I made a video of me demonstrating the HTML5 and you can clearly see some reasons why I think it will flop. I realize it is beta, but they should have called it alpha.



Edited by NoSouls

Told you guys this was good. Not even GCB's threads get this much activity.


It's my job, to get people thinking (hopefully) and typing :cool:


Really though. Are you just going to skip over every bit of criticism that you don't have an answer to? That doesn't really help your argument.


Give me an ordered list of the "criticism" that you'd like me to answer to and I will do my best. It's not my job though to answer to every single thing posted on this forum. I do have a life, you know? ;)

Criticism of how you argue: http://runescape.sal...20#entry4127675

Criticism of your arguments: http://runescape.sal...40#entry4127749

More criticism: http://runescape.sal...60#entry4127759


And no, I don't have a life, it's true. But hey, at least I don't go on Runescape forums to tell people there why it sucks :)


That wasn't an ordered list of the criticism, that was a collection of links. At least you tried though and since you have, I'll do my best to "answer" or respond to some of the criticism against me.


1. I'm rude to people that disagree with me without providing sensible reasoning. I think it is just a natural trait that I've been stuck with. I'll debate something for hours, I love debating. I find hot debates more interesting than just back and forth kindness. Sorry that I'm not precious.

2. I see being a dick as a good trait, I heard girls like those. I mean not a dick, but like a man that has a slight bit of dick to him, you know? Ahahhh :laughroll:

3. I've never taken an actual debate class, but far too often have I been in debates where it is 1 (me) vs. 5 for example and it's torturous and really unfair. I'm a very deep thinker and I don't think it is true that the general public is loaded with deep thinkers. Hostility is just part of human nature and it is part of expression. Feel free to throw some words at me, just so long as they're not against the forum "rules". I honestly don't have time to read forum rules, if you seriously read this list of rules to everything you sign up to, too much time. If being rude is against the forum rules, maybe I will be banned some day. I'm just trying to create a serious thread about why RuneScape sucks and I see the title itself to be a little rude, but a ban sounds harsh to me. I'd prefer a warning first.

4. Saying that girls tend to be more emotional than men isn't sexist, it is science. Research it pal.


Popular culture tells us that women and men's brains are just different. It's true that male and female hormones affect brain development differently, and imaging studies have found brain differences in the ways women and men feel pain, make social decisions and cope with stress.


5. Private servers being legal or illegal make no difference when we're talking about being a PLAYER (not a hot). The act of using a private server itself is not illegal, it is illegal to host one. I could see one day though in the U.S. where a court case is opened against 500 private server players and all are fined. That definitely would be a U.S. sound legal decision. If you can go out and find a good private server and play on it, enjoy yourself and have fun. As far as I'm concerned, Blizzard made their money from your game purchase and you should not be forced to pay a monthly subscription for updates if you're using a server that doesn't receive those updates. I wasn't talking about going out and starting your own private server, so there is no need to argue this point any longer.


6. I don't understand how you would deny that simplicity is a factor that did indeed make RuneScape fun and keep players on it. They've obfuscated the interface now to the point of where I've just met with about 7 different non-member players that had somewhat high combat levels (high enough I thought they would know), I would've thought they could tell me how to use "defensive" attacks to level my defense skill. None of those 7 players had a clue. Then you have the members (paying players) that tend to be cocky and in the defense of RuneScape as they pay money on it and won't tolerate bashing of something they pay for and spend time on. That's understandable, but when you bash certain parts of a game as a new player (though I played the rearlier RS for 4 years about) and the experienced get heated, shut up and listen. The future of the game is at risk. ;)

If something I type doesn't make sense, then skip over it (idc). I try my best to make sense, but I'm on prescription Xanax and I also am generally sleep deprived as I work, have a girlfriend and still try to make time for IRL friends and family.


7. A baseless statistic mixed with a "probably" is acceptable, it is a figure of speech in that case. I clearly wasn't basing my statistic, so there is no need to bash it. If I give you a statistic and don't cite it and you're wondering, just research it or dismiss it as you wish. I probably get upset 1% of the time when I see someone mix a statistic with the word "probably" for example.


8. The key word is not "you" (me), the key word is "I", which you clearly got that wrong (no offense). So what if I think this and that about RuneScape I'm a returning old time RuneScape player and am disappointed to see where RuneScape is headed. What's wrong with posting up about that? Just because I had higher expectations of RuneScape based on what it used to be doesn't mean that I was looking for WoW in RuneScape. I'm saying that comparatively RuneScape lacks in many areas where SOME other MMORPG games don't (even free ones). It's sad to see RuneScape as a sinking ship, I love(d) this game and more recently I'm beginning to dislike it and just think about how it used to be back in the good old days of RS.


After I posted about how you can pretty much play WoW for free or at least without the subscription by playing in a "private server", you made this reply:


And that's not the point. The point is that comparing private servers to Runescape because both are free doesn't work. One is free and legal, the other is free and illegal. Not a fair comparison.


Really though. Are you just going to skip over every bit of criticism that you don't have an answer to? That doesn't really help your argument.


No I have not skipped over "every" bit of criticism and you should also realize that playing in a WoW private server is not illegal as of currently, but CREATING or HOSTING one is. ;)


Enjoy your day now.

1. Rude and precious aren't two opposites. And even hot debates don't require rudeness.

2. Uhuh.

3. I said nothing about bans. I just pointed out that rudeness is against the rules.

4. Let's not get into this argument. It's not going to lead to a good place.

5. The reason that private servers being illegal is relevant is that it's not a good comparison. The fact that only creating/ hosting servers is illegal doesn't really matter. The fact is still that an illegal action is required for a private server, whereas Runescape does not require anything of the sort. And even then, you still have to buy the game before you can join the servers without any illegal actions on your own part.

6. I'm just saying that I don't understand what you were saying in the first part. If you're saying that simplicity is what made the game good, then I think that that's fair.

7. But then it doesn't really make sense. For all you know, all of us have played the game. Plus, it's just not really relevant to what you're saying.

8. Here's my issue: a lot of the things you're arguing are subjective, but you seem to be arguing that they're fact. You don't seem to be willing to accept that other people might have a different opinion than you on said subjective things.


No I have not skipped over "every" bit of criticism and you should also realize that playing in a WoW private server is not illegal as of currently, but CREATING or HOSTING one is.

Apologies, the 'every' was unnecessary. I should have said 'many'.

Posted (edited)

I agree HTML5 has ways to go, not sure it will be successful either. To be fair, it is a step in the right direction graphics-wise. At least some effort is nice.


Anyway, just to let you know that this site has consistently made official statements against moves Jagex has made. For the most prolific example, click here. You will not find that many fansites that have been pissed off as much by game changes than Sal's Realm. I suggest listening to some of the criticisms here.

Edited by Sobend
Posted (edited)
They've obfuscated the interface now to the point of where I've just met with about 7 different non-member players that had somewhat high combat levels (high enough I thought they would know), I would've thought they could tell me how to use "defensive" attacks to level my defense skill. None of those 7 players had a clue. Then you have the members (paying players) that tend to be cocky and in the defense of RuneScape as they pay money on it and won't tolerate bashing of something they pay for and spend time on.


Guess what, every other UI has its learning curve before you can know how to do anything. Just get in there and play around a bit instead of complaining about change. Heck, first time I played WoW the UI was hard to navigate and I didn't know how to do most things, but I learned. Also remember in RS2 how people always asked what their combat level was? Or how they could change where combat experience went to? This isn't just exclusive to RS3.


Not many people seriously play F2P Runescape anymore so I'm not surprised they didn't know how to do it.


You're severely mistaken if you think most members don't bash on Runescape. It's the other way around bud. Most people are always complaining about one thing or another, and that's how the Runescape community has always been. For some stupid reason, they vehemently bash any sort of change, good or not. Customizable interface being a prime example.


am disappointed to see where RuneScape is headed


And where is that?


After I posted about how you can pretty much play WoW for free or at least without the subscription by playing in a "private server", you made this reply:


Did you know that there are Runescape private servers that you can play for free as well? Shocking, right :o


Oh one last thing, HTML5 as a whole is still in its absolute infancy so don't expect anything spectacular in performance anytime soon. Right now Jagex are just trying to redesign the whole engine to work with HTML5; optimization is not a priority.

Edited by O hai im KAMIL
Posted (edited)
Apologies, the 'every' was unnecessary. I should have said 'many'.

You could have also just said "my criticisms against you" and I intentionally ignored you once I seen your brony avatar, I've seen too many trolls with 'em.


Oh one last thing, HTML5 as a whole is still in its absolute infancy so don't expect anything spectacular in performance anytime soon.



Pertaining to HTML5 games.


They're mostly copycats

Honestly, apart from lone efforts like the Unreal/asm.js thingy, everybody in HTML5 land is targetting what was done in games, like, 10 years ago ? Except back then we couldn't afford a dynamic VM and a memory-hogging DOM making a game run at 60FPS.

- http://amos.me/blog/2013/html5/








Yeah guys, I think HTML5 was a really great choice that Jagex made and I've never heard of RuneScape private servers, I'm just an open-source advocate and programmer and also a 4 year RS player, but I've never in my life heard of RuneScape private servers, because no one has ever heard of them, right? Those are also not legal, huh? I recall Jagex throwing their arms up about those, lol.


Anyways, all that I'm trying to say is that I feel that the future of RS is grim. They're never going to have the HTML5 working properly on an iPad or tablet device and even if they do, they will need to entirely remake the GUI, because it doesn't feel like it is meant for fingers. Especially people with large fingers, they're going to have to "bigsize" everything and you'll get that Windows 8 feel. Speaking of that, the old RS I used to play and this RS3 reminds me a lot of my feeling towards Windows 7 up against Windows 8. If any of you are techies, you will know what I mean.

Edited by NoSouls
You could have also just said "my criticisms against you" and I intentionally ignored you once I seen your brony avatar, I've seen too many trolls with 'em.

I didn't say 'my criticisms against you' because I'm not the only one you've ignored arguments from.

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