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As I'm sure you've all noticed, this forum has been missing something vital.


Introducing... the extra spectacular CANTALOUPE FAN CLUB.




Need a larger resolution of that image? You bet your hat you do.



  • Cantaloupe is an excellent source of various nutrients. These include vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and many more!
  • Cantaloupe is one of few orange-colored fruits. But disappointingly, they aren't the most popular. Damn peaches.
  • The scientific (trinomial) name for cantaloupe is cucumis melo var. cantalupensis.
  • The cantaloupe originates in an extensive region, spanning Africa in the west to India to the east. Recognizing cantaloupe primacy, however, Europeans were quick to cultivate it.
  • In fact, its name comes from the Italian town Cantalupo.
  • One should watch out for the dangerous bacteria Salmonella that can be found on a cantaloupe's skin. This does not detract from the cantaloupe's supremacy, however.
  • In a worldwide search to discover the highest quality source of penicillin, a mouldy cantaloupe from Illinois was found to be the best answer. No wonder!
  • The study of fruits is called pomology. Now you know what career path to take when you realize the greatness of cantaloupe!
  • These facts cover merely a fraction of cantaloupe superiority. So hurry up and grab a book to learn more!


I know you're on the edge of your seat by now, impatiently shouting, "How might I acquire such a distinguished privilege as membership in the cantaloupe fan club?!"

Simple! Just recite the Pledge of Cantaloupe:

I pledge allegiance to the cantaloupe of the united cantaloupes of cantaloupe, and to the cantaloupe for which it cantaloupes, one cantaloupe (under Cantaloupe), unincantaloupable, with cantaloupe and cantaloupe for cantaloupe.


Then, feel free to adorn your signature with this phenomenal banner!




Happy cantalouping!

Edited by Guitarguy
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all about the pineapple life

Take a look at this guy


Bro do you even vitamin A. Your average cantaloupe has 373% of your daily value of vitamin A, whereas your puny pineapple has an inferior 10%. Sure, you could argue that pineapples have more vitamin C, but you find that in so many places you'll probably just urinate it out. The kool-aid I drank this morning had 100% vitamin C.


And what's with the stupid nomenclature? "Ananas comosus"? Did you mean: "Bananas"? I understand why pineapples would try to copy off of bananas; they're almost on the same level of coolness as cantaloupes, but the latter is superior nonetheless. Cantaloupe goes by a more sophisticated, patrician name, "cucumis melo var. cantalupensis". But some silly pineapple-eating plebs wouldn't even know how to pronounce that.


"Ooh look at me I'm all spikey and shizzle."


Cantaloupes are round, but not too round. An eminently predominant characteristic, quite objectively.


Your "Pineapple King" is this stupid-looking imperialist butthead:



Whereas the cantaloupe master race is too great for a king.

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Cantaloupe is fudgeing sick man. The gooey insides you can't get rid of no matter how hard you try. When you eat a slice of cantaloupe with that shizzle on it it feels like you're coming out of the womb again.


Nasty stuff man.

That's your own fault. "No matter how hard you try"? Evidently the cantaloupe gods deemed you unworthy.


*disgraceful image*


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Can you use a cantaloupe for scale?

The cantaloupe has a large range in terms of size; whereas a cantaloupe can be anywhere from 4-7in, your regular brand of banana is within a much more limited range: 5.5-6in. Therefore, you should stick to bananas when using scale. This does not detract from cantaloupe supremacy, however. Many people, myself included, appreciate a large selection of various aspects when choosing their fruit. Also, when measuring things, it is sometimes more efficient to use a unit of measurement that is not a fruit, such as, say, a ruler.

Edited by Guitarguy
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it all about the pomegranates

Do you know where the word "grenade" comes from? That's right, pomegranates. There's no mistake, therefore, that pomegranates induce murder. Cantaloupes would never do such a thing.

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