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Combat beta research

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All damage, accuracy, and defence stats remain unchanged.


Only Critical chance and Lifepoint boost are changing.




Current Crit / Damage:

Format: Helm - Body - Legs - Gloves - Boots : Total

Lv70 power armour: 13 - 23 - 16 - 6 - 6 : 64

Lv80 power armour: 15 - 26 - 19 - 7 - 7 : 74

Lv90 power armour: 17 - 30 - 21 - 8 - X : 76 without boots


Glory 3.9%C

Fury 4.2%C

Sara 4.4%C

DG necklace 4.9%C

Blood necklace 5.0%C


Explorers ring (4) 0.0%C

Tokkul zo 1.5%C

6th age circuit 2.7%C

Super leviathan 2.4%C


Fire cape 2.2%C

Kiln cape 2.4%C

God cape 2.5%C

Ava's alerter 2.2%C

Skillcape 2.0%C

Super reefwalker 1.5%C

Cape of legends 1.6%C

Obsidian cape 1.8%C

Team cape 1.1%C

Max cape 2.2%C

Ardy cloak (4) 1.9%C

Spirit cape 1.8%C

Comp cape 3.0%C



Beta Damage:

Format: Helm - Body - Legs - Gloves - Boots : Total

Lv70 power armour: 17 - 26 - 22 - 11 - 11 : 87

Lv80 power armour: 20 - 30 - 25 - 12 - 12 : 99

Lv90 power armour: 23 - 34 - 29 - 14 - XX : 100 without boots


Glory 30

Fury 32

Sara 36

DG necklace 44

Blood necklace 44


Explorers ring (4) 10

Tokkul zo 2

6th age circuit 21

Super leviathan 15


Fire cape 26

Kiln cape 31

God cape 31

Ava's alerter 21

Skillcape 21

Super reefwalker 11

Cape of legends 13

Obsidian cape 17

Team cape 1

Max cape 26

Ardy cloak (4) 19

Spirit cape 17

Comp cape 43



Current hp bonus:

Base 40*HP level


Format: Helm - Body - Legs - Gloves - Boots: Total


Lv80 power armour 840 - 1680 - 1260 - 210 - 210

Lv90 power armour 960 - 1920 - 1440 - 240 - XXX

Lv85 tank armour 1020 - 2040 - 1530 - 255 - 255


Lv80 DG armour 960 - 1920 - 1440 - 240 - 240 : 4800

Lv90 DG armour 1080 - 2160 - 1620 - 270 - 270 : 5400

Lv99 DG armour 1188 - 2376 - 1782 - 297 - 297 : 5940


Lv70 shield 1050

Lv75 shield 1125

Lv80 shield 1200

Lv90 shield 1350

Lv98 DG shield 1470

Lv99 DG shield 1485


Cape of legends 100

Super reefwalker 400

Comp cape 400


Max hp (full Lv85 tank armour + Super reefwalker) 10810


Beta hp bonus:


Base 100*HP level


Format: Helm - Body - Legs: Total

(Gloves and Boots do not give any hp bonus)


Lv80 power armour 110 - 220 - 165 : 495

Lv90 power armour 0 - 0 - 0 : 0 (idk why)

Lv85 tank armour 320 - 640 - 480 : 1440


Lv80 DG armour 220 - 440 - 330 : 990

Lv90 DG armour 420 - 840 - 630 : 1890

Lv99 DG armour 600 - 1200 - 900 : 2700



Lv70 shield 35 (crystal shield)

Lv75 shield 0 (div/ely/spec)

Lv80 shield 385

Lv90 shield 735

Lv70 DG shield 35

Lv80 DG shield 385

Lv90 DG shield 735

Lv98 DG shield 1015

Lv99 DG shield ???


Cape of legends 0

Super reefwalker 100

Comp cape 100


Max hp (full Lv85 tank armour + Super reefwalker) 12175

Edited by -Leaf-
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I never read posts more than 3 lines.


So critical chance is eventually going to be replaced by strength in the beta but has not yet?

Currently, power armour already uses strength, while capes/rings/necklaces use crit. If I put a %C next to the number, that means it's critical chance. Otherwise, it's strength bonus.


I find it interesting that the existing strength values on power armour are going to be further increased.



oh and ty for the new sig

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The balance of food and healing:



1860 -> 2300

change: +23.7%


Rocktail soup

2100 -> 2400

change: +14.3%


Summer Pie

950 -> 1172

change: +23.3%


Sara brew

500 -> 1000

change: +100%


Super sara brew

800 -> 1300

change: +62.5%



Hp healed per tick:


old: 500 sara brew < 620 rocktail < 700 rocktail soup < 800 super sara brew < 950 summer pie


new: 766.7 rocktail < 800 rocktail soup < 1000 sara brew < 1172 summer pie < 1300 super sara brew


Hp healed per inv space:


old: 1860 rocktail < 1900 summer pie < 2000 sara brew < 2100 rocktail soup < 3000 sara brew flask < 3200 super sara brew < 4800 super sara brew flask


new: 2300 rocktail < 2344 summer pie < 2400 rocktail soup < 4000 sara brew < 5200 super sara brew < 6000 sara brew flask < 7800 super sara brew flask



Overall, with the combat update, you deal more damage than before, you have more max hp than before, and you can heal more than before.


Sara brews got a massive buff.


Rocktail soup has been relatively nerfed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like beta is at or near its final form


Effects of stats on combat


1 Attack, unarmed: 44 accuracy

99 Attack, unarmed: 1212 accuracy

1 Attack, 90 weapon: 2502 accuracy

90 Attack, 90 weapon: 3395 accuracy

99 Attack, 90 weapon: 3670 accuracy


1 Strength, unarmed: 2 damage

1 Strength, 90 weapon: 975 damage

1 Strength, 90 weapon, Fire cape, Brawler necklace, Warrior ring: 1111 damage

99 Strength, 90 weapon, Fire cape, Brawler necklace, Warrior ring: 1803 damage


1 Defence, ungeared: 45 defence 0.1% damage reduc

99 Defence, ungeared: 1213 defence 9.9% damage reduc




Damage as a function of level: D = floor(2.5L)

Edite: Damage bonuses from armour/weapon does not appear to be additive anymore - str level gives more of a bonus when wielding a better weapon. Further testing needed.


Accuracy formula is a little bit harder.

the data is here


if anyone can figure out the formula that would be nice.

The fact that the numbers are rounded (probably floored) makes it difficult to generate the formula.


Halp pls.

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Spent 3 hours in the beta, and I've got a huge batch of updates.



Max Hits


Yellow max hits in legacy are not true max hits.


Pre eoc this was also the case, but only when using certain boosts like prayers(I think?) and slay helms to hit higher than your normal maximum.


However, I have found that even with no boosts and nothing but a weapon equipped, yellow hits can still be lower than your true max hit.



Storm of Armadyl


Storm of Armadyl caps at lv85 now, I think it was 90 before.


Arma staff gives neither a speed or damage boost to SoA.


Chaotic staff would do more dps than arma staff with SoA. It's really hard to test exact max hits, but the damage range seems to be 500-530.


Air Surge is better than SoA when used with a lv86 or higher weapon and equal to SoA otherwise.


So don't panic buy dem arma runes.



Stats shown by ingame damage calculator


99 Str: skill bonus 247


weapon/skill damage values - ability damage values


90 fastest (864+247) 1111 - (432+123) 555 - 1666

90 fast (1102+308) 1410 - (551+154) 705 - 1733


80 fastest (768+247) 1015 - (384+123) 507 - 1522

80 fast (980+308) 1288 - (490+154)644 - 1589

80 avg 2h (1788+555) 2343 - 1534

80 staff (1776+555) 2331 - 1554


Ability damage as a function of weapon damage for each weapon speed category:


Fastest dual wield: Abil = MH + OH + SkillBonus + floor(SkillBonus*0.5)


Fast dual wield: Abil = (MH + OH + floor(SkillBonus*1.25) +floor(SkillBonus*0.625)) * ~0.82 (WTF??)


Average 2h: Abil = (MH + floor(SkillBonus*2.25)) * ~0.6547 (wat?)


Staff: Abil = (MH + floor(SkillBonus*2.25)) * ~0.6666 (wow it actually made sense)



So apparently Jagex finally fixed the speed mod for staffs but in the process completely screwed over the calculations for Fast and Average melee/range weapons.


Fast weapons are disproportionately strong - that is, Drygore rapiers are even stronger relative to maces than they already are in the live game.

In the live game, rapiers are 0.394% stronger than maces without boosts.

In the beta, rapiers are 4.40% stronger than maces without boosts.


This is huge and is most likely a bug. Knowing Jagex, they won't fix this before the beta goes live though.



Legacy and Momentum testing with barrages



Virt dw, ice burst, displayed MH strength = 1224, displayed OH strength = 612



Sample size: 500 casts

Yellow hits: {277 281 272 280 277 271 268 277 275 279 267 281 274 280}

Max hit: 281



Sample size: 500 casts

MH Max hit with critical: 1462

MH Min hit with critical: not sure

MH Max hit without critical: 1387

OH Min hit: 148




Chaotic staff, ice burst, displayed MH strength = 2540



Sample size: 500 casts

Yellow hits: {574 562 574 573 572 583 566 574 582 557 572 575 579 577}

Max hit: 583



Sample size: 500 casts

Max hit with critical: 3042

Min hit with critical: 2899

Max hit without critical: 2898

Min hit: 613




Momentum damage is exactly 24%-120% or 1.2*(20%-100%) times the displayed weapon damage.

This gives an average hit of 72% weapon damage, not counting random ability activations.


A critical hit is shown when damage dealt is greater than 95% of the modified max hit.


Legacy minimum hit is 1 damage.

Legacy maximum hit is 230% weapon damage.

This gives an average hit of 115% weapon damage.




For both Legacy and momentum, hits are calculated separately for MH and OH weapon. Attacks from the OH weapon use the full amount of ammunition/runes, but only does half as much damage as MH.


With dw Fastest weapons, the MH and OH weapon will hit each hit once every 4 ticks.


Legacy average damage is 115% (MH+OH) weapon damage every 4 ticks.

Legacy average damage per tick is 28.75% (MH+OH) weapon damage.



Momentum average damage is 72% (MH+OH) weapon damage every 4 ticks + damage from random ability activations.

Momentum average damage per tick is 18% (MH+OH) weapon damage + random abilities.


Ability base damage comparison against Legacy/momentum


Base ability damage is 4/3*(MH+OH) weapon damage. (not taking into account the messed up speed mods for fast/average weapons)

Ability min hit is 1/3 of the base ability damage.


Average base ability damage per attack is 88.8888% (8/9) (MH+OH) weapon damage every 3 ticks.

Average base ability damage per tick is therefore 29.6296% (8/27) (MH+OH) weapon damage.


Legacy dps is about 97% as high as abilities if all the abilities you use do a max of 100% base ability damage. In practice, abilities will have an average damage much higher than that if you often use strong basics and thresholds.


Void vs Power armour


From a sample size of 500 casts each:


Virt dw, displayed MH strength = 1224, no void, max hit = 281

Virt dw, displayed MH strength = 1135, full void, max hit = 269


Seis dw, displayed MH strength before boosts = 1320, overload, anguish, no void, max hit = 355

Seis dw, displayed MH strength before boosts = 1231, overload, anguish, full void, max hit = 372


due to the way void is calculated, it gets stronger the more boosts you stack on top of it. Power armour is better for weaker weapons, Void is better for stronger weapons and boosts like pots/prays.




I spent some time messing with the spreadsheet. I don't know if you can see what I've done, but 0.0008*Att^3 + 4*Att + 40 is close enough to the formula to make no real difference.

Edit: actually that looks fairly accurate.


For comparison, weapon accuracy looks to be 0.002L^3+10L+100, with lv1 weapons statted as lv5 weapons.

Edited by -Leaf-
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