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Sal's RuneScape Forum

Plague's End quest guide

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We now have a quest guide for Plague's End. Plague's End is the finale to the Plague City quest series and involves the humans of Ardougne, the elves of Tirannwn, and someone whose name rhymes with "dark ford."


In unrelated news, we're undergoing some renovations with the Sal's Realm clan citadel spreadsheet and it will be inaccessible for a little while. Hold tight folks.

Edited by Sobend
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Have 10 upvotes. :ice:


Nothing like making a mockery of a reputation system to show your appreciation.


Very awesome guide sobend i saw your updates yesterday, i will definitely be using this should i get stuck, i would like to feel my way through the quest to begin with and see how far i can get (my guess is dead stop at light puzzles lmao)

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Hello, as you can see i'm new here.

How does one submit a correction on a guide, say Plagues End ?

Go to the Corrections and Updates subforum.


But for this specific guide you can just post it here because it's brand new. What needs to be corrected?

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Thank you. When I was creating the map I was in a bit of a rush and placed the Nurse Sarah label on the wrong south western building. I just checked in game and your building is the correct building. I also noticed another error with Nurse Sarah. I wrote she was in the southeastern part of town when I meant southwestern. You've been credited.


In the future, try to use smaller images and also save to .png format. I've got you covered this time, don't worry.


And :welcome:

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lol nice pick up macho.


I wish they would actually advertise our events though :/.


Edit: Omg no they forgot to actually set up a link to the guide. If you try to hover your mouse over the supposed link you get nothing :(.

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