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Sal's RuneScape Forum

Skill Competition 100 - Overall

Dei Wei

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Sal's Skill Competition 100

June 12 11:59 PM - June 14 11:59 PM GMT (UK Time)





Keep an eye out on how you're doing!


When: June 12 - June 14 (48 hours)

Skill: Overall

Prize: Underbanners made by Army for the winners and participants who meet the participation exp requirement

Participation requirement: 100k in 4 skills


General Rules

  1. If possible, try not to use effigies, xp lamps, or Warbands or get xp in any way besides training the skill itself. It ruins the fun if somebody has been saving up their lamps. Other minigames are allowed such as Runespan for Runecrafting. You should get the idea of what and what isn't "training" the skill
  2. Please log out before and after the event. This way we can track the xp fairly so that it's up to date. We will be using the runestat website listed above.
  3. Please participate! You don't have to be a winner to get something! Participation requirements are generally very doable during the time limit and only require a decent amount of time on your part!
  4. HAVE FUN! This if for you guys to have a little bit of friendly competition. :P I don't want you guys no-lifing 48 hours straight. I let you guys choose the skills for the competitions so you guys can do what you want to do.

Edited by Dei Wei
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Attack - 31,839

Divination - 152,797

Cooking - 44,441

Construction - 122,244

Woodcutting - 46,444

Strength - 20,570

Runecrafting - 60,244

Summoning - 55,546


Bonus xp


Got 416,437 Smith xp from using Enlightenment aura

Edited by Nathan
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Attack: 19619

Hit Points: 10323+41289

Strength: 90503

Defence: 30968

Herblore: 14682

Ranged: 25371

Prayer: 59477

Magic: 69220

Runecrafting: 58099 + 41289

Farming: 8473 + 103222

Hunter: 40879

Summoning: 27826

Thieving: 92901 + 20645

Fletching: 10323

Edited by Dei Wei
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4k attack

3k defence

84k pray

282k rc

860k slay

58k herb

190k mining

189k fish

1612k firemaking

27k construct

32k str

2038k agil

202k thieve

164k fletch

18k hunt

2k smith

951k wc

99k summ

Edited by -Leaf-
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Logging in for the first time this weekend at 14:15, Saturday.

My bonus exp:


Attack - 114,298

Strength - 69,651

Ranged - 20,645

Prayer - 41,698

Construction - 17,984

Constitution - 4,586

Agility - 148,866

Thieving - 22,661

Fletching - 28,458

Slayer - 47,792

Divination - 76,706

Mining - 467,547

Smithing - 29,928

Fishing - 34,734

Firemaking - 31,749

Summoning - 29,129


Skills not listed here I have 0 bonus exp in.

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I gained 150k Constitution exp via exp books, ignore these gains.


And also the following exp from a quest:

20,000 Agility experience

50,000 Woodcutting experience

20,000 Farming experience

40,000 Fletching experience

20,000 Crafting experience

25,000 Slayer experience

35,000 Magic experience

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Bonus xp:

Strength: 6,350

Defence: 121,970

Prayer: 17,159

Runecrafting: 95,229

Dungeoneering: 57,397

Agility: 46,821

Crafting: 116,350

Slayer: 123,321

Hunter: 20,632

Divination: 32,658

Fishing: 14,355

Cooking: 18,107

Summoning: 82,578


Edit: Got 1153k xp with aura so subtract 576k.

Edited by Jna
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One 100k short of participation. :/

I knew it already though, sadly I had to work that weekend so had my free time halved. To add to that I went to watch Jurrasic World which ended up eating most of my Sunday.

Ah well, was still fun. :)


Congrats to the winners and to everyone who earned participation. ^_^

Edited by Micael Fatia
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