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Sal's RuneScape Forum

Small survey, takes 5 min max


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Currently, I'm 22 years old and working on my master's thesis at the catholic university of Leuven (Belgium).


I made a small survey. Keep in mind that a basic knowledge of probabilities is necessary in order to successfully complete the survey.

If you don't understand the questions, please don't fill in the survey randomly, just close it.


Members should use this link: https://bonnefabio.typeform.com/to/hrWCZs

Non-members should use this link: https://fabiobonne.typeform.com/to/tRj7Lc


MANY thanks to those that help me out !


Kind regards, Fabio

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Meh, i saw a low post count..."survey" & external links.., it was only as i hit downvote & went to report i realised it was fabio. Pls disregard

Why doesn't Fabio just post it then? Suspicious links to me don't get touched :P


10 dollars says it's a phony Fabio. Or a pony Fabio.

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Meh, i saw a low post count..."survey" & external links.., it was only as i hit downvote & went to report i realised it was fabio. Pls disregard

Why doesn't Fabio just post it then? Suspicious links to me don't get touched :P


10 dollars says it's a phony Fabio. Or a pony Fabio.

Maybe on-the-phone Fabio

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