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The Duel Arena (or the Sand Casino)


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This applies to dueling in general (in RS3, you can duel outside the arena).  Back in the day.... the duel arena was a fun place to go and kill some people for fun.  For example, here's a picture of me going to the duel arena right after getting members to have some fun.



Quite a gear discrepancy, but it's all for fun.  More and more though, it basically became a form of gambling.  If two people have the exact same gear and stats, there is theoretically a 50% chance of someone winning.  With Jagex stopping these "dicing" games a long time ago, the duel arena is basically the place for people to gamble. 

Should Jagex stop duels with stakes? 

I am hesitant to say no, but I think the original concept of the duel arena has vanished.  Now it's nothing more than a form of gambling. 

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22 hours ago, Shooter585 said:

Even though more gambling goes on now, it has been like this to some extent forever.  Seems questionable to change it after all these years.

This is absolutely true. There were designated worlds for Duel Arena gambling back before they removed player-trading and established the Grand Exchange.

You do not want to remove gambling through duels. JaGEx tried something similar when they wanted any trading between players, and that more or less demolished RuneScape's player base from what it was. Duels were part skill, part luck, but the excitement and hope associated with it was rather genuine. It does not matter if it functionally is used for RWT these days. Combating RWT the way they did were the dumbest approach JaGEx ever did. I am not saying that one should ignore botting, scamming and such, but to do it in a nuclear way the way they did was plain wrong. They took a smaller problem and made it everyone's problem, without the ecosystem to back it up.

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4 hours ago, Sobend said:

If people can simply gamble in the Duel Arena--and it's always been there since "boxing" and "blood boxing"--should Jagex continue to ban other methods of gambling (like dicing)?

Why? It is natural that game companies gambling through microtransactions is a fundamentally bad thing, but I would say that gambling with ingame funds is entirely fine, since it teaches you the consequences of losing. 

A teen never lives with the immediate consequences of one's wealth when a credit/debit card is tapped in a transaction. The pain comes later when the bills come in. However, losing 60% of your ingame gold in one poor bet, has immediate consequences in the sense that you will clearly have less to gamble with the next time. Maybe you think "I can recover, I can do it, I just need to gamble my last 40% and I can win!", and you lose it, ending up broke. Well, back to earning money again, or you get so broken up that you quit the game.

Either way, you learn a valuable lesson. Stupidity has consequences, and perhaps you should not gamble if you cannot handle the consequences.

But for those players that are rich, bored and belong to the 1%, gambling is one of the few thrills left, as I assume PvP is still in shambles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What gets me, though, is people talk about tech as if they're 'scams' - one bloke on Youtube talked about a 'scam' where in the duel arena you'd use the environment to manipulate ticks and ensure your attack is registered before the other guy's. 

Is that really a scam? That just sounds like good play to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As long as no one actually knows who you are and where you are playing from (dont stream) you have the exact same chances as everyone.   I dont play the sand casino but ill defend it until the end. Its part of the game.  PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK 

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