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Cashing in on other people's mistakes

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I'm a returning bond player to runescape and I was wondering what is the most common types of armor people run to the wild. 


Last I played was on RS3 and I saw a lot of people bring batwing robes to wildy. 

I want a steady supply of demand. Disregarding bot farmers what sets do most people bring to the wild? 


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It's tough to say now because they recently removed mandatory PVP from the wilderness. So unless people "opt in" to PVP, most people bring whatever they wish. But yes batwing was once a common wilderness staple. (Note, also, batwing was demoted from tier 50 to tier 30).

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On 7/24/2024 at 12:52 AM, Sobend said:

It's tough to say now because they recently removed mandatory PVP from the wilderness. So unless people "opt in" to PVP, most people bring whatever they wish. But yes batwing was once a common wilderness staple. (Note, also, batwing was demoted from tier 50 to tier 30).

Say what? Lmao you can be protected in the Wilderness now?
Thank Zamorak for OSRS.

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