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Posted (edited)

Thanks for fixing the laggin problem I've been having lots of problems posting but now it is faster than before. Woot nice calculaters!!!




Celebi is giving you 6 ice cold ones for your hard work.

Edited by Master of Pokemon

o.O Sal, you coded them yourself? Wow....

Guest strange1guy

check the woodcutting cal the levels are all wrong

like oak lvl 35 instead of 15 and

the willows are lvl 30 not 45


didnt check the rest...

Posted (edited)

way to go sal, i wanted some new calculators cause i need to calculate some things :ice:

Edited by henrique651

The levels on the woodcutting calculator are all wrong. Sal, you can code a calculator, but cant copy the levels :ice:


how have you got so far without accidently deleteing everything :ice:

Anyway, Nice. Look a lot better then the old ones.


Wow, nice calcs, look sexy on my computer, nice job there alot better than other calcs I have used in the past. :ice:



Posted (edited)

Yay! The new calculators look cool. The upcoming updates sound cool also! Keep up the good work with making this site better Sal! :ice:


~Dr Skull

Edited by Dr Skull

Wow, the calculators are awesome. Good job on them! :ice:


(Only 980 more coal ore until my next mining level :ice:)


Excellent, I've been long awaiting the new calculators, I've been having to use other sites calculators sine these aren't the best.


Glad to see the new ones are out, I'll look at them now

Posted (edited)

I just tried to use the woodcutting one but I have a red cross in the java applet.


BTW: I noticed a minor mistake:

This calculator will help you calculate how trees you must chop in order to reach your goal level.
should be


This calculator will help you calculate how many trees you must chop in order to reach your goal level.
Edited by morfius

mmmm calculators... my mate tried to eat my calculator today :ice:


anyways, nice job Sal :ice:

Guest The Evolution

A fantastic job Salmoneus these new calculators really are amazing they are the best on any Runescape fansite now and are much much easier to use then the old ones with that new highscores feature. I was told about new calculators might be coming this summer and I could not wait for any new ones so they are better then I had imagined. Brilliant job. Thanks a lot Salmoneus another great update.


They are really great!

But I saw, in the woodcuting calculator it says you have to be level 80 woodcutting to cut magics, and level 75 to cut yews. :ice:

Is this true or is it typo? :ice:


~Sirez 0.o

Posted (edited)

Yay!!!!!! New calculators!!!!!!

Who made them and did all the coding? You Sal?

Ye. :ice: I wanted to try my hand at coding such useful machines ( :ice: ), and I've been learning Java for the past year, so I gave it a try. :ice:


PS - is anyone having trouble connecting to the site?

now that u mention i i have been having a lag... for about 3 weeks which caused it so i could'n't really do anything :'(

by the way i am wondering what cb lvl u r i heard it was 87 but i can't rember lol

sierz white magic trees are 75 while yew is 60... its a typo :ice:

got it 87 combat... thats means i'm highe rthen you :ice: u are beating me in three ksills

mining smithing and fishing

Edited by sniper tyler

About 2-3 days ago I couldnt couldnt go either one. The forum and the site was down. Im starting to think these people robbed Sal of his money.... :ice:

Lets just hope the lag calms down a bit, and the forum is better...maybe its just because the servers are new...i dont know :ice:

great calculators, the construction calculator looks like its going to help a lot. :ice:


~Sworddemon :ice:

Guest flaminize

Hey sal i'm having trouble using the new calculators. Like it was said by a previous poster on this topic in the top left hand corner of where the calculator would appear there appears a red X.


I do get the warning but no matter what i click (yes, no, or always) this X comes about. Can someone help me please?


Wow, finally.



eventually people will be like

"how much ore should I mine to get to 60?"

"I don't know, look it up on rhq Sal's"

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