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runehq beat u to it, oh and btw u might wanna add that praying at the new altar gives u 7 more hp for a period of time

runehq beat u to it, oh and btw u might wanna add that praying at the new altar gives u 7 more hp for a period of time

It says it...

Ability to pray at the Statuette - gives you a 7 Health Bonus
Very nice guide, but just the one thing, how often can you pray at the statue to get a bonus of 7hp?

I think you can pray as many times as you'd like, but you can't "power-pray" and keep getting added hits... so the +7 bonus can't be added to. I think that made sense... :)


runehq beat u to it

It's not a race (or at least I didn't think it was...). :)

I think you can pray as many times as you'd like, but you can't "power-pray" and keep getting added hits... so the +7 bonus can't be added to. I think that made sense...

So, you can pray multiple times, but only get the hp bonus once? How often can you get the hp bonus?


You can get the bonus as many times as you want, but the effects don't compound. So if you pray once, you'll get a +7 bonus. And if you pray a scond time right after, you won't get an added bonus. So the most you can have as an hp bonus is 7. :)

You can get the bonus as many times as you want, but the effects don't compound. So if you pray once, you'll get a +7 bonus. And if you pray a scond time right after, you won't get an added bonus. So the most you can have as an hp bonus is 7. :)


confusing, but i think i understand, so however many times u try praying u can never be more than 7 hp up, cool


I was there when he made it. He was a busy beaver :)

Back and forth. And ANonymous490 is makin a city guid for it so thats well faster then runehq


Yeah nice job on the new guide Beeboy, and in such fast time, and you have also done it in good quality thank you very much. Me and all others wish to depend on you and all the other players out there willing to make guides for sal's website and forum.


Lol i think i've said too much just a very big *WELL DONE!*



Guest Darkstar

Wiked awesome! Now I can do Spirits of The Elid quest when i'm a member again. Great job BeeBoy! :)

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