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How To Make Little People From Kits


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The RuneScape Buddy Guide


What you need: 3 MS paint windows open at the same time:3paint3sg.png


Table of Contents


1) Getting the buddykits


2)setting the transparet button and choosing what to make


3)getting your 1st piece


4)getting the head and leags


5)getting the shields


6)getting the weapons


7)getting the boots, gloves and, capes


8)getting the headwear


9)admiring your work


10)getting the code and showing your work


Step one

Copy and paste offical buddy kit Beeboy's super buddy kit[/url] and Draz's but i can't find it....no1 can


Step two

Lets make a ummm guy in ehhh full bronze eh?

Ok go to either one lets use draz's kit for now

ok so we're making full bronze with bronze long and kite with a bue phat

make sure you have the draw9vt.png Transparet button set to the lower one if not this is wat happens:

With transparent: (bottem button)


Without:(top button)



Step three

1st we give him a body but do this in the Paint window with nothing on it just copy it from either BeeBoy's or Draz's kit and paste on your new window

Ok so do this:


And paste it will apear in the to[ left corner


All you do now is drag it over to a blank spot.


Step Four

Head & legs

Now for the head just copy and paste like the body and bring it over the head outline like this:


Make sure the chins match so the head looks right


Just try to line up the red lines but keep em black

For the legs you can have basicly anything you want so here's how to do it:


Step Five


Make sure you have the hand and the handle in place together here’s an example


Try to line (overlap) the red lines but leave the lines black of course here the other shield type but make sure you drag the buddy over the shield so you can make it look right.


You can also put the shield where the weapon usually goes and for that choose the shield with no handle or hand and put it over on how you feel like is right.


Step Six

Weapons- you can have any weapon on your buddy from G maul to Rune long sword here’s how to set up the weapons:


Again try to line up the red lines (overlap them) just leave them lines black for best effect.


Step Seven

Boots, Gloves and, Capes


Boots- basically just color them any color you want but if you want but if you want bronze-rune boots they’re actually already in Draz’s Kit under the specific armor plate legs. Just make sure if you’re using armory boots put them before you put the weapon, also mine’s boots just leave the boots white


Gloves- Same as boots just color them or for a ranger they’re in both Kits in the ranger section also there are actually gloves in BeeBoy’s pack you just have to find them. Also for mime gloves just leave the hand white.


Capes- These are only found in Beeboy’s Kit and there’s all the capes except all Team capes and all god capes there is just the basic color’s capes here’s how to apply them on to your buddy:



Like before just overlap the red lines except leave them their main color. Make sure you drag the buddy over the cape.


Step Eight

Headwear-like anything in RuneScape your buddy will be able to be equipped with just about every head equipment just place the hat over where you feel is right.


Step Nine

Now zoom out of the buddy and admire your work of art the result for my buddy should look like this:



10th and Final Step

Getting The code!

Now you you have the art to display anywhere so here's how to gwt the code


1st, go to imageshack and open up your file


2nd, to get the code just click the [show] button in [show image to friends]:



3rd, click [get links]



4th, copy watever it says around the red rectangle



5th, paste that in avatar selection or inside the red ractangle






This Guide is copy written to Green Commando (Beret)

Edited by Beret™
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lol but how do you get stuff to go behind lol...it won't work for me...ohhhh...i didn't read it very carefully, i drag the buddy over the shield/cape...secondbuddykitguy4vq.png cool i made another one =) thirdbuddyguy9wb.png and another...secondbuddykitguy9jt.png*is very freaked out* HE'S BLUE!!!!!!

Edited by fruityfed
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Ok Beret,I hate to admitt but your guide helped me..I'm a n00b..and even on my first try..I made it work! And heres the start of my work...



PK gang- http://img226.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pkgang0go.png This is when I started getting into Pixel things..believe it or not this was made 2 minutes ago.


Md (Me) (pixel 1) - http://img226.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mdpixel15ne.png


:) Tell me guys what you think and if I have a future ahead of me..I have the shield wrong in them..But he's in Fighting stance..Which I thought would be p00nage!


The one made for my friend- http://img206.imageshack.us/my.php?image=t...ixelw00t7af.png


It was my second..


Me (Light druid version)-http://img206.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mdpixeldruidofcf6kq.png


I'm hanging in there and trying my best..Do you think I have a good potential in the future,Do you think so? I'm amazed I'm not retarted and I DID accomplish it..Usually I sulk,complain and whine :)


Anyways... Beret..could you teach me more Privately if your willing to? Please let me know..Bye for now..I've got to get Pixel making!



Have a good day :s





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