Chompy Bird Hat [550]

Item Search


Talk to Rantz with your Ogre Bow in your inventory having killed at least 550 Chompy Birds.


Requirements to Obtain


No information.

Other Info

The hat has 3 feathers and shows that you have reached Ogre Bowmaster rank.

Equipment Stats

Equipment Slot


Equipment Bonuses

Attack Bonuses Defence Bonuses Other Bonuses Damage Absorption
Stab Slash Crush Magic itemdb.equip_ranged Stab Slash Crush Magic itemdb.equip_ranged Summon Strength Prayer Ranged Strength Magic Damage Absorb Melee Absorb Magic Absorb Ranged
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0%


Neo Avatars

Chompy Bird Hat [550]
"A symbol of your chompy bird hunting prowess."
Chompy Bird Hat [550]
Category: ArmorCosmetic
Tradable: No
Members Only: Yes
Quest Item: No
Stackable: No
Shop Buy Price: 0 Gp
Exchange Price: Cannot be traded.
Low Alchemy Yield: 0 Gp
High Alchemy Yield: 0 Gp
Alchemy Profit: No information.
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This item was last updated by Neo Avatars on November 13, 2010 04:21 PM UTC.