Law Tiara

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Use a Tiara on the law altar while carrying a Law Talisman in your inventory.


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Other Info

Allows you to enter the law altar by clicking on the mysterious ruins. Frees up one inventory space when Runecrafting.

Grand Exchange Trends

Grand Exchange Trends
Graph of Grand Exchange price trends.
2-Day Change: No change. Median Price: 33 Gp
7-Day Average: 0 Standard Deviation: 97 Gp
14-Day Average: 0 Lowest Price: 1 Gp
30-Day Average: 0 Highest Price: 362 Gp
30-Day Change: No change. Total Collected Prices: 3695


This item has not been tagged yet.


Magic Star94, Neo Avatars, Hawk

Law Tiara
"A tiara infused with the properties of law."
Law Tiara
Category: Runecrafting Item
Tradable: Yes
Members Only: Yes
Quest Item: No
Stackable: No
Shop Buy Price: 0 Gp
Exchange Price: 362 Gp
Low Alchemy Yield: 40 Gp
High Alchemy Yield: 60 Gp
Alchemy Profit: -707 Gp
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This item was last updated by Neo Avatars on April 25, 2010 06:48 PM UTC.