Explorer's Ring 3

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Speak to Ned in Draynor Village after completing the beginner, easy and medium tasks of the Lumbridge/Draynor Achievement Diary (you will need to have the Explorer's Ring 2 in your inventory).


Requirements to Obtain


Used to replenish 50% run energy three times every 24 hours. Allowed 30 free Low Alchemy Castings, 10% chance of crafting an extra air, earth, fire or water rune for each essence that is used when crafting at an altar and the ability to cast unlimited Cabbage-Port.

Other Info

No information.

Equipment Stats

Equipment Slot


Equipment Bonuses

Attack Bonuses Defence Bonuses Other Bonuses Damage Absorption
Stab Slash Crush Magic itemdb.equip_ranged Stab Slash Crush Magic itemdb.equip_ranged Summon Strength Prayer Ranged Strength Magic Damage Absorb Melee Absorb Magic Absorb Ranged
0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0% 0% 0% 0%


Dragonblast, Roy, Oldage, Brodie of the rune scimmi, Blackness, Deadstone, Jacky

Explorer's Ring 3
"A Lumbridge explorer's ring."
Explorer's Ring 3
Category: JewelryRing
Tradable: No
Members Only: No
Quest Item: No
Stackable: No
Shop Buy Price: 0 Gp
Exchange Price: Cannot be traded.
Low Alchemy Yield: 0 Gp
High Alchemy Yield: 0 Gp
Alchemy Profit: No information.
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This item was last updated by Neo Avatars on November 13, 2010 10:52 AM UTC.