As a First Resort...
Table of Contents
- Essential Info
- Getting Started
- The Spit Roast
- Soft Hotel Pillows
- The Salon Tools
- Those Pesty Bugs!
- Hunting
- Completing the Quest
- Rewards
- Extras
- Fast Quest Walkthrough
Essential Info
Start Point
Begin by speaking to Chief Tess, located in Oo'glog, South ofthe Feldip Hills.
- Skills: 48 Hunter, 51 Firemaking, 58 Woodcutting
- Quests: Big Chompy Bird Hunting, Zogre Flesh Eaters
- Items: 8x Achey Tree Logs, 1x Bird Snare, 1x Box Trap, 15x Eucalyptus Logs, 1x Hatchet, 1x Knife, 8x Larupia Fur, 1x Logs, 1x Multiple logs of any kind, 2x Raw Chompy Bird, 4x Spears of any kind (except bone spears and poisoned spears), 8x Stripy Feathers, 1x Tinderbox, 4x Wolf Bones
- Skills: None.
- Quests: None.
- Items: None.
- Difficulty: Experienced
- Length: Long
Getting Started
Head to Oo'glog, south of the Hunter area in the Feldip Hills. Once there talk to Chief Tess.
She will say that they are not open yet, and that the bossy human in the bank will say when they open. Ask her what is going on, and she will explain that the human came to Oo'glog and started asking many questions. Chief Tess agreed to help her in her 'business venture'. Talk to Tess again about the 'business venture', Tess will explain that they were promised 'shiny pretties' to let other creatures bathe in the mud around their camp. Ask if you can help, and she will ask you to talk to the lady in the bank, Balnea.
Talk to her, and she will rejoice in seeing another human.
Ask her what's going on and she will use a lot of big words that will confuse your character. She seems distressed, so ask her what's wrong. She will say they don't have enough human resources to start the business. She has obtained ogre resources, but it isn't going so well. She will offer you to help her with the resort. Agree, and she will tell you that she tried to help her father expand his bar in Yanille. When it wouldn't work and she got overstressed, she left on a hunter vacation. When she discovered Oo'glog she was amazed at what the hot springs could do, and wanted to open a resort. However, the ogres aren't cooperating. She will ask you if you can help while she teaches the ogres how to be proper bankers. Agree and she will ask you to help her establish the catering facilities. Some, very basic catering services. She will want you to help the ogre chef with a spit roast. Agree to help Chargurr with cooking.
The Spit Roast
Head north of the bank, and talk to Chargurr.
She needs a big fire for the spit roast, unfortunately it needs to be big. Bring her 8 Achey tree Logs, and 10 Eucalyptus logs. Achey Trees can be found all over the feldip hills. Eucalyptus trees can be found outside Oo'glog.
Bring these to her and you will put them in the fire pit. Now she needs four spears of any kind.
Note: The spears cannot be poisoned. In order to remove poison from a spear, you need a Cleaning Cloth. You can get one by using Karamja Rum with Silk. Then just use the Cleaning Cloth on the poisoned spear to remove the poison.
Bring her the four spears and then you will automatically use them on the achey trees next to the pit. Now bring her two raw chompy birds. You can get chompy birds the same way you got them in Big Chompy Bird Hunting. She will once again want you to put them on the fire pit. After that, light the fire with a tinderbox.
Soft Hotel Pillows
Talk to Chargurr again, and she will say that Balnea has some more things for you to do. Go to her.
Now she needs you to talk to the hotel manager, Snurgh and help her sort out a problem she has.
Go East to the building closest to the ocean and talk to her.
Snurgh will tell you that Balnea has requested that they need pillows for the hotel. Unfortunately, she used raw meat, the softest thing she knows. You suggest that she makes pillows out of feathers. She will ask you to bring her 8 stripy feathers. You can obtain Stripy feathers from Tropical Wagtails. Read the Hunter guide for info on catching them. It should only take 2 Tropical Wagtails to get enough feathers. Bring them Snurgh and head back to Balnea.
The Salon Tools
She needs you to head to the salon and talk to Kringk. Head to the building east of the bank and talk to her.
She wants to know how you do hair with no tools. Tell her you'd be happy to get anything you need for her. She needs 4 wolf bones, and 8 Larupia Fur. The bones can be obtained by killing wolves. The fur you get from hunting Larupia. See the Hunter guide for more info on catching Larupias. Any kind of Larupia fur is needed. Bring them to Kringk and go back to Balnea.
Now she needs you to talk to Seegud in a house northeast of the bank.
Those Pesty Bugs!
She needs you help with the bug infestation. She tells you that you need to find a fire pit and burn things to make the smell the bugs hate. In order to find out the smell, she has laid stones near every fire pit. The stones differ in amounts and shapes, to tell you what to burn.
With every long brown rock, add a eucalyptus log to the pit. Every fire needs one.
When you see a green lumpy rock, add Fever Grass.
When you see a round red rock, add Primweed.
When you see a yellow, egg shaped rock, add Tansymum.
When you see an orange square rock, add Stinkbloom.
When you see a tall purple rock, add Lavender.
All these items can be obtained from around Oo'glog. Look at the map above for the locations.
However, the little ogre children have mixed up the rocks, so you need to find out what rocks they moved where. Talk to Snarll, an ogre child north west of Seegud's house. She will recommend that you should start with the north east thermal pool.
You will now have to use a process of elimination to figure out which rock represents which plant. This can be done by simply noting it down on a piece of paper. Remember, every fire requires Eucalyptus logs. Once you have discovered which plant to use at the themal pool, make sure you note it down because this will be the first plant for the mud bath! The second plant used for the mud bath will be the first for the salt-water spring. You can see where this is going. Once you've reached the Bandos pool, the plants will be the second from the sulphur spring + a previously used plant + the one plant you are yet to use.
After clearing all the pools of bugs, talk to Seegud , then Balnea, then Chief Tess in order to learn how to hunt in the village.
The chief explains how herbs can be used as bait and burned to lead each hunter animal. You use:
- Lavender to lead and bait Platypodes, not Fever Grass (which causes them to attack and poison you). You need to catch all 4.
- Tansymum to lead and bait Wimpy Birds , not Fever Grass, not Lavender (which causes them to peck you). You need to catch all 5.
- Fever Grass to bait and lead Diseased Kebbits , not Tansymum (which makes them attack and disease you). You need to catch all 4.
Once you have caught all the Platypodes, head to the beach to the east. Once there, release the platypodes. They will each give you a casket or an oyster. Caskets carry a variety of items while oysters will give you pearls that you can make into pearl bolt-tips with a chisel.
Completing the Quest
After that, head back to Balnea, and watch the ensuing cutscene.
Talk to Balnea again and finally, Quest Complete!
- 1 Quest Point Oo'glog Hunter Area and Platypus pet. Access to Spa facilities. 15,000 Firemaking experience 15,000 Hunter experience 15,000 Woodcutting experience
Spa Pool
The spa pools give different bonuses:
- Mud Pool: Temporarily gives Hunter a good sized bonus depending on your Hunter level
- Thermal Pool: Gives a temporary Life Points bonus, fully heals you, and cures Poison and Disease. Also gives 20 minute immunity to Disease.
- Salt Water Pool: Unlimited Run Energy for a certain amount of time, depending on your agility level
- Sulphur Pool: Restores Prayer and give a +8 boost to Prayer that will only deplete when used
- Bandos Pool: Marks you as a Bandos follower for 1 hour
The Bandos Pool will make it so that the Bandos creatures in the God Wars dungeon won't attack you.
Platypus Pet
The Platypus pet requires 10 Summoning. At 20 Summoning you are able to talk to it. You need to catch one with a box trap outside of Oo'glog.
Fast Quest Walkthrough
- [^] Speak with Chief Tess
- [^] Speak with Balnea
- [^] Speak with Chargurr
- [^] Get eight achey tree Logs and ten eucalyptus logs
- [^] Get four spears that aren't poisoned or made of bone
- [^] Get two raw chompy birds
- [^] Light the fire with a tinderbox
- [^] Speak with Chargurr
- [^] Speak with Balnea
- [^] Speak with Snurgh
- [^] Get eight stripy feathers
- [^] Speak with Snurgh
- [^] Speak with Balnea
- [^] Speak with Kringk
- [^] Get four wolf bones and eight larupia fur
- [^] Speak with Kringk
- [^] Speak with Balnea
- [^] Speak with Seegud
- [^] Collect herbs and eucalyptus logs from outside of Oo'glog
- [^] Use logs and herbs with the fire pits (pay attention to colored stones)
- [^] Speak with ogre children
- [^] Retry fire pits accordingly
- [^] Speak with Seegud
- [^] Speak with Balnea
- [^] Speak with Chief Tess
- [^] Hunt four platypodes (lavender)
- [^] Hunt five wimpy birds (tansymum)
- [^] Hunt four diseased kebbits (fever grass)
- [^] Release the platypodes where designated
- [^] Speak with Balnea
- [^] After cutscene, speak with Balnea again
- [^] Quest Complete!