RuneScape 2007 Quests

Quest Member Status Difficulty Start Point Complete?
Animal Magnetism Members Intermediate Begin by speaking with Ava in Draynor Manor's ground floor. No
Another Slice of H.A.M. Members Intermediate Begin by speaking with Ur-tag or the Ambassador Alvijar. No
Between A Rock... Members Experienced Begin by talking to Dondakan the Dwarf in the Keldagrim Mines. No
Big Chompy Bird Hunting Members Intermediate Begin by talking to Rantz, just east of Gu'Tanoth. No
Biohazard Members Novice Talk to Elena in the house just east of her parents' house in East Ardougne. No
Black Knights' Fortress Freeplay Novice Begin by talking to Sir Amik Varze, located in Falador Castle, about a quest. No
Cabin Fever Members Experienced Begin by speaking to Bill Teach in Port Phasmatys. No
Clock Tower Members Novice Begin by speaking to Brother Kojo at the Clock Tower south of Ardougne. No
Cold War Members Intermediate Begin by speaking to Larry at the Ardougne Zoo. No
Contact! Members Master Begin by speaking to the High Priest of Icthlarin. No
Cook's Assistant Freeplay Novice Begin by speaking with the Cook in Lumbridge Castle. No
Creature of Fenkenstrain Members Intermediate Begin by reading the signpost near the Hair of the Dog Tavern in Canifis. No
Darkness of Hallowvale Members Intermediate Begin by speaking to Veliaf Hurtz in the Myreque base camp in Burgh De Rott. No
Death Plateau Members Novice Begin by speaking to Denulth in the village of Burthorpe. No
Death to the Dorgeshuun Members Intermediate Talk to Mistag in the Dorgeshuun Mines. No
Demon Slayer Freeplay Novice Begin by speaking to the Gypsy in Varrock. No
Desert Treasure Members Master Begin by speaking to the Archaeologist at the Bedabin Camp. No
Devious Minds Members Experienced Begin by speaking to the Monk near the Paterdomus Temple west of Canifis. No
Dig Site, The Members Intermediate Speak to an examiner at the digsite Exam Center. No
Doric's Quest Freeplay Novice Speak with Doric by following the northern road leaving Falador. No
Dragon Slayer Freeplay Experienced Guild Master in Champion's Guild. No
Dream Mentor Members Master Talk to the Fallen Man through the small cave inside the Lunar Isle Mines. No
Druidic Ritual Members Novice Begin by speaking to Kaqemeex near the Stone Circle north of Taverley. No
Dwarf Cannon Members Novice Speak to the Dwarf Commander Captain Lawgof, located Northwest of the Fishing Guild. No
Eadgar's Ruse Members Experienced Begin by talking to Sanfew about helping him reclaim the Stone Circle. No
Eagles' Peak Members Novice Begin by speaking to Charlie the zoo keeper, in East Ardougne Zoo. No
Elemental Workshop I, The Members Novice Begin by searching the bookcase just southwest of the Seers' Village bank. No
Elemental Workshop II, The Members Intermediate Begin by going to the Exam Center located southeast of Varrock, searching the bookcases and reading a Beaten Book. No
Enakhra's Lament Members Experienced Begin by speaking to Lazim, found south of the Desert Bandit Camp. No
Enlightened Journey Members Intermediate Begin by talking to Auguste in Entrana. No
Ernest the Chicken Freeplay Novice Begin by speaking to Veronica located south of Draynor Manor. No
Eyes of Glouphrie, The Members Intermediate Talk to Brimstail in his dungeon in the Gnome Stronghold. No
Fairy Tale Part I: Growing Pains, A Members Experienced Speak to Martin the Master Farmer beside the pig pen in Draynor Village. No
Fairy Tale Part II: Cure a Queen, A Members Experienced Begin by speaking to Martin the Master Gardener, north of Draynor Market. No
Family Crest Members Experienced To Begin this Quest, Speak to Dimintheis. He is located in the house in Southeastern Varrock just north of the Fancy Clothes Shop. No
Fight Arena Members Experienced Begin by speaking to Lady Servil to the northwest of the Fight Arena west of Port Khazard. No
Fishing Contest Members Novice Begin by speaking to a Dwarf on either side of White Wolf Mountain. No
Fremennik Isles, The Members Experienced Begin by speaking to Mord Gunnars on the most northern dock in Rellekka. No
Fremennik Trials, The Members Intermediate Begin by asking Brundt the Chieftain in the village of Rellekka for a quest. No
Garden of Tranquillity Members Intermediate Begin by speaking to Queen Ellamaria behind Varrock Castle. No
Gertrude's Cat Members Novice Begin by speaking to Gertrude in her house, on the west side of Varrock. No
Ghosts Ahoy Members Intermediate Begin by speaking to Velorina in Port Phasmatys. No
Goblin Diplomacy Freeplay Novice Talk to one of the Goblin Generals in Goblin Village, found north of Falador. No
Grim Tales Members Master Speak to Sylas who can be found south of the Taverly House Portal. No
Imp Catcher Freeplay Novice Speak to Wizard Mizgog located in the Wizards' Tower. No
Knight's Sword, The Freeplay Intermediate Speak to The Squire at the White Knight's Castle in Falador. No
Pirate's Treasure Freeplay Novice Talk to Redbeard Frank in Port Sarim. No
Prince Ali Rescue Freeplay Novice To begin this quest, speak with Hassan in Al Kharid Castle. No
Restless Ghost, The Freeplay Novice Speak with Father Aereck in the Lumbridge Church. No
Romeo & Juliet Freeplay Novice Talk to Juliet in her house in west Varrock. No
Rune Mysteries Freeplay Novice Speak to the Duke of Lumbridge, upstairs in Lumbridge Castle. No
Sheep Shearer Freeplay Novice Begin by speaking to Fred the Farmer about a quest. No
Shield of Arrav Freeplay Novice By speaking to Reldo, the librarian of Varrock Castle or Charlie the Tramp, located next to the Varrock Weapon Store. No
Soul's Bane, A Members Novice Begin by talking to the old women named Launa who can be found north of the glider in the Digsite. No
Tail of Two Cats, A Members Intermediate Begin by speaking to Unferth in Burthorpe. No
Vampire Slayer Freeplay Novice Begin by speaking to Morgan in Draynor Village. No
Witch's Potion Freeplay Novice Talk to Hetty the witch in Rimmington. No

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