
By: Salmoneus
Special Thanks to: Neo Avatars

This calculator will help you calculate how many Runes you need to craft in order to reach your goal level.

Table of Contents

  • The Calculator
  • Using the Calculator
  • Related Links
      [{"link":"466","title":"Runecrafting Skill","type":"resource","order":0},{"link":"441","title":"Runecrafting Skill Training","type":"resource","order":1},{"link":"238","title":"Runecrafting Guild","type":"resource","order":2}]

The Calculator

Highscore Lookup
Calculator Options
You have completed 0% of your goal (83 XP to go).

Showing 1 to 25 of 39 results.

Can Perform Level Action Members Only Experience Number of Actions
Yes 1 Blood Tiara Yes 52.5 2
Yes 1 Death Tiara Yes 50 2
Yes 1 Law Tiara Yes 47.5 2
Yes 1 Nature Tiara Yes 45 2
Yes 1 Chaos Tiara Yes 42.5 2
Yes 1 Cosmic Tiara Yes 40 3
No 1 Body Tiara No 37.5 3
No 1 Fire Tiara No 35 3
No 1 Earth Tiara No 32.5 3
No 1 Water Tiara No 30 3
No 1 Mind Tiara No 27.5 4
Yes 41 Rune Case 1 Yes 25 4
Yes 41 Rune Case 2 Yes 25 4
No 1 Air Tiara No 25 4
Yes 23 Lava Rune (Fire Altar) Yes 10.5 8
Yes 77 Blood Rune Yes 10.5 8
Yes 65 Death Rune Yes 10 9
Yes 19 Steam Rune (Fire Altar) Yes 10 9
Yes 23 Lava Rune (Earth Altar) Yes 10 9
Yes 54 Law Rune Yes 9.5 9
Yes 13 Mud Rune (Earth Altar) Yes 9.5 9
Yes 15 Smoke Rune (Fire Altar) Yes 9.5 9
Yes 19 Steam Rune (Water Altar) Yes 9.5 9
Yes 13 Mud Rune (Water Altar) Yes 9.3 9
Yes 44 Nature Rune Yes 9 10
Showing 1 to 25 of 39 results.

Using the Calculator

  • First, enter your RuneScape username into the "Your Username" field, and then click the "Fetch Stats" button to retrieve your stats from the RuneScape Highscores. You must be ranked in the highscores to use this feature. Alternatively, you can enter either your current level or your current XP into their respective fields.
  • Next, enter your goal. Use the dropdown to select whether your goal is a certain level, an amount of experience, or a specific number of actions. Then enter the goal value in the next field.
  • The goal bar will be updated with your current percentage of progress on your selected goal. The table of Actions will also be updated accordingly, displaying the number of actions you must complete for Level and XP goals, or the Total XP, Final XP, and Level Achieved for goals consisting of completing a certain number of actions.
  • The right side of the calculator interface allows for some additional filtering options, including filtering by a certain category of Actions, filtering out Members-only Actions, and filtering out Actions that you cannot perform at your current level.
  • If there are bonus effects associated with this calculator, you can select one or more bonuses to apply to the experience calculations.
  • The "Pick My Own Plan" option allows you to select your own set of Actions to display, making it easy to compare a certain collection of Actions with one another.

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