Mort Myre Snails and Snelm Helmets

By: Salmoneus
Special Thanks to: Damaged500, Infiniti, Magic Star94, Shadow The Stormer

Snail Shell Helms, or Snelms as they've been called, have become a new line of fashion in RuneScape. Members can kill Blamish Snails found in the Mort Myre Swamp, and make stylish helmets out of them. They offer both solid protection, and a new trend of fashion, but you'll need to have already done the Priest in Peril Quest before venturing into the land of Morytania.

Blamis Snails

Blamish Snails can be found around the swampy areas of Mort Myre. After killing one, you'll be able to pick up both a Cookable meat and a Blamish Shell, which you can use a Chisel with to make it into a wearable Snelm. Chiseling a Snelm requires level 15 Crafting, and will give you 32.5 Crafting experience.

A map of the snail locations

There are 5 kinds of Blamish Snails that you can kill, each dropping a different colored shell. Three kinds of shells can be picked up from the snails southeast of the bank in Canifis, but in order to get the Blamish Myre and Blamish Ochre shells, you'll need to have also started the Nature Spirit Quest so that you can go inside the Mort Myre Swamp.

Blamish Snails
Snail PictureShell PictureTypeWhere to Find
Bark Blamish Snail Blamish Bark Shell Bark Southeast of the Canifis Bank; throughout the Mort Myre Swamp.
Blood Blamish Snail Blamish Red Shell Blood Southeast of the Canifis Bank; throughout the Mort Myre Swamp.
Bruise Blamish Snail Blamish Blue Shell Bruise Southeast of the Canifis Bank; throughout the Mort Myre Swamp.
Myre Blamish Snail Blamish Myre Shell Myre Throughout the Mort Myre Swamp.
Ochre Blamish Snail Blamish Ochre Shell Ochre Throughout the Mort Myre Swamp.

Blamish Snail Notes

  • There are both rounded and pointed shells that you can get, depending on whether you kill a snail with a pointed or round shell.
  • Blamish Shells are Members-Only and cannot be traded to the Free-Play world.

The Snelms

Once you have obtained a Blamish Shell that you want to make into a wearable Snelm, just use a chisel with it. Now you can wear your stylish and protective Snelm anywhere you go!

Snelm NamePicture
Broken Bark Broken Bark Snelm
Blood'n'Tar Blood'n'Tar Snelm
Bruise Blue Bruise Snelm
Myre Myre Snelm
Ochre Ochre Snelm

All Snelms give the same amount of equipment bonuses:

Attack Bonuses Defence Bonuses Other Bonuses Damage Absorption
Stab Slash Crush Magic itemdb.equip_ranged Stab Slash Crush Magic itemdb.equip_ranged Summon Strength Prayer Ranged Strength Magic Damage Absorb Melee Absorb Magic Absorb Ranged
0 0 0 -3 -1 +7 +8 +6 -1 +7 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0%

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Published on: October 16, 2004 11:05 PM UTC by Salmoneus
Updated on: July 18, 2011 04:27 AM UTC by Salmoneus