Apologies for Lack of Updates

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Posted by Salmoneus

Alright, I wanted to sincerely apologize for the long period of no updates. I have been working very hard lately to completely redesign this entire site with a better look. But, to do this I need some time to completely redo the existing guides and important stuff (which just so happens to take a long time). Now, instead of rushing to finish this site and have all sorts of mess-ups and junk like that, I'm taking it page by page redoing EVERYTHING. A feature I am hoping to get to very soon is printable guides. the existing guides are very difficult to print (a lot of the text is in white). so far it looks very good. Of course, the web address will still be the same:) and as always, there will still be pictures of a lot of the stuff I mention in the guides. Well, I'm going to get working and ill keep you all posted!

