New Guides

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Posted by Salmoneus

A few new guides have been put online today. First, a guide on the Easter 2007 Holiday Event is now available, which should be helpful to anyone having any trouble with the event this year. Many thanks toAnon Joe for writing this guide! Next, the Black Arm and Phoenix Gang Hideout guides have been completely rewritten and merged into one guide for both hideouts. A big thanks to Warren for this much needed update on these areas! We also have a new guide on the Barbarian Outpost, with everything you may need to know about this popular area, home to an agility course and the Barbarian Assault minigame. Thanks to Dragonmyth for writing this excellent guide for the site! And lastly, a new section on Red Chinchompa Training has been added to the Ranging Help guide, which consists of a relatively new method of training your ranging skill. Thanks to Redhairgoku for sharing this method! And thanks to everyone who helped with each of these guides!

