Updated Guides

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Posted by Salmoneus

A number of freshly rewritten guides have been added to the site today. The Lost City quest guide has been rewritten to be more thorough and easy to use, and even contains a method of completing the quest at level 3 (Combat, that is). A big thanks goes to Micronblast for this guide! The old RuneScape Dictionary guide has been replaced with a detailed Acronyms and Abbreviations guide by Hamtaro, which contains many more helpful words and other useful bits of information. The Character Makeover guide has also had a makeover of its own and should now be completely up to date on all of the methods of changing your character's appearance in the game. Thanks to Viagro for writing this guide! And lastly, the Vampire Slayer quest guide has been rewritten by Masterofrunescape15 to be more helpful and easier to use. Thanks to everyone who worked on these great guides!

