Announcing Our Holiday Banner Contest Winners!

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Posted by Salmoneus

Earlier this month we held a Christmas/holiday/winter banner competition for our website, and now we're announcing the winners!

Merry Christmas ya'll!

I hope everyone has had a fantastic Christmas and holiday season so far!

Earlier this month we held a contest for creating a holiday-themed banner for our website, and after some deliberation on voting for our favourites, the results are in! A huge round of applause to our graphics champions:

1st-Place Winner: Zooey

Holiday Banner Competition 1st-Place Winner: Zooey

2nd-Place Winners: Kemosabe and Beret

Congratulations to Zooey for winning 1st place in our banner contest - you deserve it for your awesome work! Zooey will be receiving a custom member title on our community forums, an official "Sal's Realm of RuneScape" santa hat, a $10 RuneScape game card, and my in-game Santa Hat for a day.

You may have noticed that we have two second-place winners for our competition. Well, both Kemosabe and Beret were tied for votes, so we're counting them both as runners-up! Congrats guys!

As always, I'd like to thank everyone for partiicipating in our competition! It's great to know that we have so many loyal members of our community supporting us.

Have a safe and happy holiday,
