Darkness of Hallowvale, RS07 Quests & Site Poll

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Posted by Salmoneus

An updated Darkness of Hallowvale quest guide has been added to the site, as well as 12 OldSchool RuneScape quest guides!

Hiya all!

Our Darkness of Hallowvale quest guide has been rewritten to include some updated information, and it should be easier for questers to use now. A huge thank you goes to Fire Wolf737 for bringing this guide up to date!

Also, another dozen RuneScape 2007 guides have been re-added to our RuneScape 2007 Quests section, from Animal Magnetism to Creature of Fenkenstrain! So, if you're in need of an older quest walkthrough, be sure to check out our vintage collection. More guides will be added very soon!

And lastly, we would like to know what you think about RuneScape 2007. Love it? Hate it? Vote in our new poll and share which version of the game you will be playing. Thanks to Heb0 for the idea for this poll. I also invite you to hop over to our forums and post your thoughts on it using the "Discuss" link at the end of this post.

