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Demon Slayer & RuneScape 2007 Quests

Posted on March 15, 2013 01:33 AM UTC by Salmoneus

Howdy all!

A new walkthrough on the recently-reworked Demon Slayer quest is now online and ready to assist all you questers! A huge thank you goes to Sobend for sharing this awesome quest guide with us!

Also, you may have noticed that earlier this week another nine RuneScape 2007 quest guides have been brough online, from Darkness of Hallowvale to Dwarf Cannon. So if you're searching for Old School RuneScape quest guides, be sure to check out our growing collection!

By now, you've probably seen that Jagex has released their first content poll for Old School RuneScape. If you haven't already, make sure you vote! I also invite you to join in the discussion on our community forums and share what you think!

Happy RuneScaping,

Darkness of Hallowvale, RS07 Quests & Site Poll

Posted on March 07, 2013 02:47 AM UTC by Salmoneus

Hiya all!

Our Darkness of Hallowvale quest guide has been rewritten to include some updated information, and it should be easier for questers to use now. A huge thank you goes to Fire Wolf737 for bringing this guide up to date!

Also, another dozen RuneScape 2007 guides have been re-added to our RuneScape 2007 Quests section, from Animal Magnetism to Creature of Fenkenstrain! So, if you're in need of an older quest walkthrough, be sure to check out our vintage collection. More guides will be added very soon!

And lastly, we would like to know what you think about RuneScape 2007. Love it? Hate it? Vote in our new poll and share which version of the game you will be playing. Thanks to Heb0 for the idea for this poll. I also invite you to hop over to our forums and post your thoughts on it using the "Discuss" link at the end of this post.


Sal's Old School RuneScape Castle Wars!

Posted on February 28, 2013 04:42 AM UTC by Salmoneus

Hiya all!

Who's having fun playing RuneScape 2007? We want to celebrate the return of the old game, so we're hosting an OldScape Castle Wars game, pitting '07 newbies against... more '07 newbies! Join us this upcoming Sunday for an awesome Castle Wars match!

Event Details

  • Where: Falador northern gate/fountain
  • When: Sunday, 03 March 2013 at 3:00PM EST / 9:00PM GMT
  • World: 25
  • Clan Chat: Salmoneus
  • Supplies & Equipment: Combat armour and weapons for Castle Wars; Ring of Dueling for quick CWs access.

If we have a good turnout, we'll be running more events! So, spread the word and tell your friends, clanmates, and random people around RuneScape! As always, the more people who join us, the more fun it will be. We hope to see you there!

Happy 'Scaping,

RuneScape 2007 Quest Section

Posted on February 25, 2013 02:49 AM UTC by Salmoneus

Howdy all,

There has been an overwhelmingly positive response to bringing back the RuneScape 2007 servers, and I'm happy to see that Jagex has acted on the RuneScape community's request.

As you've probably guessed, so many aspects of RuneScape have changed a lot over the past half-decade, and quests are no exception. So, I am happy to announce that we're going to be bringing back our 2007 quest guides (and quite possibly other content) to help players with this alternate version of the game! To begin, we have all of our freeplay RuneScape 2007 quest guides online now, complete with pictures and detailed walkthroughs! So, hop on over to our oldfangled RuneScape 2007 Quests section and check 'em out! More quest guides will be released regularly, so stay tuned!

Happy RuneScaping,

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